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"WHO'S this bitch?"

JAE'S voice rang out, standing up. Jasper got up quickly as well, standing in their way, blocking Jae from hurting the girl.

Jae's eyes soften when they rested on the smaller male, his jaw unclenched, pulling Jasper into his chest, holding him.

"Who are you?" Axel asked, getting up, stalking towards Lacey, her body shaking. "You're his girlfriend or something?" Axel said, grabbing the girl's arm harshly. She yelps at the pain.

"N-." "Yes, he is my boyfriend." She cuts off and Jasper paled.

Axel's hand wrapped around her throat, throwing her to the ground. She hit her head harshly, Jasper could see the blood pooling out beside her head.

The alarms started wailing, as patients began to cause an uproar.

Harper got up as well, walking over, licking his lips. "Ah, she's bleeding, let me clean that up," Harper spoke, taunting Lacey.

Jasper tried to pull away from Jae's grip but got held tighter, holding his face into his chest, so he could no longer see what the two brothers were doing.

Jasper's eyes teared up, sobbing into Jae's grip, hearing Lacey's cries for help. Jae grabbed Jasper and took him out of the cafeteria, leading him to an empty area away from the chaos.

"W - Why didn't you let me help her? You just let her die!" Jasper cried his first smashing into Jae's hard chest.

Jae held the male's small hands in his, to stop him from hitting him. "If you try to get involved, you would have fucking died as well. Those two only see red and if you tried to save her you would have been in the same boat as her."

"How do you know that?" Jasper asked, his face soaked with tears.

"They have killed many people, some just happened to try to play the hero. You play hero, you get yourself killed," Jae said. "If you think they would have stopped because it's you, you're wrong."

Jasper scoffed, pulling away from the male's chest. "You are a terrible human being." He spat, "every single one of you is a fuck up, why would I want any of yous?"

Jae's eyes darken, "watch your tone."

"Of what, you'll choke me until I can't breathe? Oh sorry, Axel already did that. Maybe you'll drink my blood and sexually assault me. Oh, my bad, Harper beat you to it. All you guys did was hurt me and try to rape me!" Jasper said. "And I'm done. I can't be your doctor anymore. You killed my friend because she said she was my girlfriend, you're all possessive and crazy."

"Crazy? You haven't seen crazy yet." Jae spoke, "I try to save you from getting yourself killed and this is what I get? Go on, go back in there, try to play hero, and see what happens. Axel and Harper don't care if you hold emotions with them, their minds are fucked up, even more, when they're mad, but go on." Jae dropped the grip he held on the male.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Jae said, stepping back.

Jasper stood in place, his eyes dart to the door. "She's already dead," Jasper commented.

Jae nodded, "the moment Axel put his hands on her, she wasn't going to make it."

"Is it my fault?" Jasper asked, his eyes watering.

Jae shook his head, "no, she was dumb enough to say that she was your girlfriend without thinking. She did this to yourself."

Jasper's eyes filled with more tears, soft whimpers left his mouth.

Jae pulled him into a tight hug, "I'm sorry."

Jasper stayed quiet for a few moments, collecting his thoughts and the fact that Lacey was dead.

"I'm not going to be able to get out of this mess," Jasper said, mostly to himself.

"I'm stuck." He whispered.

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