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JASPER tried to move out the male's way but instead was forcefully pressed against a wall, Paul's heavyset body pressed against his.

THE male struggled to escape, you think after all these years he'd learn to lift some weights, but Jasper hated working out. He kicked and scratched at the male, but it didn't seem to even phase Paul.

"Paul, poor little Paul, you think you're allowed to touch something that isn't yours?" A voice said, making both turn their head.

Paul rolled his eyes, pulling away from Jasper. "He isn't yours." Paul spat.

The unknown male shook his head, "he is." That's when Jasper was able to get a clear look of Jae standing there, to Jasper's surprise.

Once those words left Jae's mouth, Paul was quick to move far away from Jasper, "I was just playing around, haha-"

"Leave, now I already fired you," Jae spoke lowly. Paul nodded and was fast to dash to the stairs, not even wanting to wait for the elevator.

Jae watched Paul leave before returning his glaze to Jasper, who was staring at the male in shock. "Hi, baby," Jae said, slowly walking the distance to Jasper.

He placed a hand on Jasper's cheek, pressing a soft to Jasper's lips. The old doctor kissed back, missing the feeling of Jae's soft and careful touch.

The taller pulled away, tucking some of Jasper's loose curls behind his ear. "I think you have some people to meet," Jae said, "and I think you'll love them."

Jasper nodded happily. "Okay." He spoke softly, as Jae removed his hand from the smaller's face, clutching his hand and leading him to the office.

When Jasper entered he was met with Brax and Cody playing rock, paper scissors. Alex was sitting behind the big wooden desk, his feet propped up on the said desk.

Harper was touching a ball up and down in the air, catching it. When the door open, all eyes turned to Jae, before noticing Jasper.

Brax was the first one to get up and ran to Jasper, collecting the male into his arms and hugging him tightly. "I missed you so much." He spoke, happiness lacing his voice.

Jasper hugged him back, giggling at the affection Brax was giving him. "Alright, loser, back up, I want a hug," Cody said, from behind the pair. Brax pulled away pouting, allowing Cody to hug the male.

Which he did, quickly. His arms wrapped around Jasper's waist and pulled the male into his chest. When Cody went to pull away, he stopped midway, his body relaxing before Jasper was pulled into another hug. "Hi, Dylan," Jasper whispered into his ear.

"Oh god, don't do that, I'm trying to be sweet here," Dylan said, "but I'm glad you knew it was me." The male said, pulling away. Dylan backed away, allowing Harper to come up next and greet the male.

Harper was quick to pick up the male and place a kiss on his lips. Jasper wrapped his legs around Harper, holding to his shoulder for support, and kissed him back with passion.

They soon were departed by Axel clearing his throat, Harper helped Jasper back to his feet, before going over to Jae and talking softly to him.

Axel's eyes met Jasper's, neither spoke a word, both just gazing into each other's eyes.

The taller of the two slowly walked to Jasper before leaning down a bit and pressing a soft kiss to Jasper's lips. "Don't tell the others, but I missed you so much." He whispered, "so, so much." With that, Axel backed away.

"How did you guys not get in trouble for any of this?" Jasper asked, making Jae chuckle.

"Oh, we did get in trouble," Jae started, "we would have been here sooner if it wasn't for that. What you don't know is my shitty father is a very powerful businessman. If I agreed to work with him, he would help me. So, I did. I worked for my dad for about a year since he helped us not get life in prison. When he finally let me go, I vowed to buy his biggest competitors company and make it my own." Jae said.

Jasper slowly nodded, "so we are finally able to be together?"

"We were always together, baby, but this time we don't have to be apart anymore."

A smile filled the smaller male's face.

"You saved us, DOCTOR."

-a/n; if you're a ftr, thank you for the support!!<3

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if you're a ftr, thank you for the support!!<3

if you're rereading, do u like the changes?

also I'm glad I gave myself time to rewrite this and fix what I hated.

but it took forever and i hate it

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