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"JASPER, hey, I have some news."

"GOOD or bad?" Jasper asked, tapping a pen against the table.

All Jasper wanted was a break, which he thought he had today. His plan was just to catch up on some paperwork and filing, but of course, he could never catch one.

Lacey thought for a minute, "that depends on how well the last trip to the cafeteria was."

Jasper's breathing tightened, he could not go back and face them all at once again. His mind slips into subspace and a daze when he is around all of them, it was risky, but all Jasper could do was nod a yes and watch Lacey leave.

He sighed, rising and grabbing his coat, he checked the time, lunch has just started, so if he walks slower there, the less time he has to spend with all of them.

He finally made it to the double doors, walking in. The whole area silence itself from the loud talk to hushed whispers. Everyone in the whole place knew he was screwed, which didn't make him feel all too great.

His eyes searched the place and found all his patients, Harper's eyes stared into his, his tongue peeking out and licking his lips.

When he made his way over, he was yanked down into a lap harshly, making him yelp at the sudden action.  He felt hot breath fan over his neck and two sharp teeth tease over his tender skin.

Harper's muscular arms wrapped around Jasper's thin waist. "Can I get another taste, baby?" Harper asked, pressing an open kiss to Jasper's neck.

Jasper turned his head and was shocked to feel Harper's lips forcefully attack his. Harper's tongue darts into his mouth, swirling around, savoring the taste of Jasper.

Jasper pulled away, he heard a tray hit the table, his eyes snapped to the person beside him, Jae stood there, "what are you doing, Harper?"

"Kissing him," Harper asserted.

Jae sat down beside the two. "Do you like that? Being kissed?" Jae said, grabbing Jasper's jaw and clasping their lips together.

Jae's tongue made its way into the smaller boy's mouth, twirling around Jasper's tongue. Jae eventually pulled away, a string of saliva connecting to both males' lips.

Jasper panted heavily, his eyes surveying the table, "where's Brax?" He asked.

"Oh, you didn't hear?" Axel started.

"He, he tried to kill himself and got put on suicide watch," Cody said, his eyes watering.

Jasper's eyes widen at the information, "why would he do that? He was perfectly fine a few days ago."

Jae scoffed, "in case you forgot sweetheart, we are all fucked up in the head, but unlike Brax, we learn to live with it. He can't, he doesn't want to."

"Wait, what?"

"He hates himself," Harper said, his hands trailing to the front of Jasper, reaching up and messing with his nipples, twisting them before his fingers.

Jasper jolts at the sensation, wishing his nipples weren't so sensitive to touch and he hated how he wanted more.

Which Harper could sense and pull at the now hardened nipple, making Jasper whimper and whine, changing positions in the male's lap.

He felt a hand get placed in his inner thigh, tracking its way up, pressing into Jasper's crotch, making his face burn a bright pink and twist in pleasure.

He was voluntarily letting them use him and do what they please and he didn't even care. His mind had shifted to a trance as his body was overcome with pleasure.

"Um, Dr. Elms?" A voice said, Jasper, didn't even have to look to know Lacey had caught him in this mess.

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