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JASPER awoke to the sound of his door slamming and Jae was standing there his arms crossed over his chest, his muscles flexing against the tight white tee shirt.

JASPER jumped at the loud noise that woke him up, meeting Jae's eyes. Jae walked over to Jasper's bed, sitting down in front of him when Jasper pulled his legs up allowing him.

"I and the boys were talking. We wanted you to have some more freedom, so we are allowing you out of your room." Jae said, "and we will be removing the locks as well. We want you to trust us as we trust you."

Jasper's eyes widen, "really?" Jae nodded, "yeah, but I should tell you if you try to escape Axel and Harper will track you down and you might not like what they do to you."

Jasper shivered at the thought, before nodding along at the words. He was surrounded by mentally unstable people who like to hurt others and each other. If he ran away and they found him, his life would be at risk.

Jae smiled his breathtaking smile that made Jasper's heartbeat slightly faster. Who was to blame him? Jae knew how to charm people and his features only seem to make Jasper fall more without even knowing he was doing so.

Jae got up, holding his hand out for Jasper to take, which he did hesitantly, but when Jae gave his hand a tiny squeeze, the shorter male relaxed slightly. Jae led him out of the room into a gray hallway, decorated with random paintings. "Everyone is out, Brax is still in his room."

Jasper nodded, "can I go see him?"

"Yeah, he's the third door down, he isn't in the best state, but since you're a doctor you probably know what to do for him." Jae smiled, pointing at Brax's door and heading downstairs, leaving Jasper alone in the hallway.

Did Jae trust him that much? Or did he know Jasper was too afraid to make a run for it? Either way, the thought of running away didn't cross Jasper's mind after that threat was placed there, but it was more or less a promise.

Jasper headed to the door, slowly turning the nob like in those horror movies, afraid to see what was held behind them. He just hoped it wasn't as bad as his mind was telling him, but he knew better than to get his hopes up with high-risk people.

He slowly opened the door seeing Brax's body outlined in a heavy black-colored blanket, a groan was heard.

"For the last time Jae, fucking doesn't help my depression," Brax mumbled pulling the blanket closer to his body.

"I don't see why that would ever help."

Brax quickly shot up from the bed, now sitting up, "oh god." He spoke, rushing out of the bed and into the bathroom attached.

Jasper went over and knocked on the door, "what's wrong?"

"I look bad, I didn't want you to see me like this," Brax spoke through the door.

"You think I care about how you look? I care about how you feel." Jasper said.

A click was heard and the door slowly opened a crack, Brax's fallen bangs and his beautiful eyes were showing.

"You mean that?" Brax asked, making Jasper nod.

Brax fully opened the door, allowing Jasper to see him, without a shirt, showing off his faded six-pack, old, healed-up scars, and cuts. He wore tight black boxers, showing off some of his dick, but Jasper noticed the burn marks that scattered his thighs.

"No one has ever wanted me for more than my looks."

"You're more than your body," Jasper said.

Brax bit the inside of his cheek, clearly thinking.


"Would you take my body anyways? Even with all the dama-"

"Even with all the stories." Jasper cut him off.

"Will you take it, right now?"

"Wha-" Before Jasper could finish, lips met him in a heated kiss.

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