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"B - BEG?" Jasper spoke, his voice shaky and airy.

"YES, beg for me, show me how much you want me," Jae said, staring at Jasper, a lustful look in his eyes.

"I - I want you," Jasper spoke.

Jae let out a chuckle, "want me to what baby? Good ahead, use your words."

Jasper thought for a moment, trying to push past the embarrassment of asking, "I - I want you to use my body however you want, leave marks, bruises, show me w-who's boss."

"Good boy," Jae said, grabbing Jasper's neck, squeezing the sides, and making the male below him gasp for air.

"Now baby boy, do you want daddy to wreck you?" Jae asked in a taunting tone, leaning down and close to Jasper's face, his hot breath fanning over the male's lips.

Jasper whimpered, "y - yes."

Jae made a 'tsk tsk,' noise, "yes to what?"

"Yes, I want you to wreck me," Jasper spoke, with made Jae quickly take off the doctor's pants, in a swift action, leaving him naked and bare, while Jae still had his pants on.

Jae's hand that was once wrapped around Jasper's throat was no longer there, but a deep red mark took the spot.

The male slowly took his pants off, teasing Jasper the whole time.

Jasper's eyes watched in anticipation, scanning over the newly shown skin, finally, the article of clothing was removed and Jasper figured out another reason why Jae might have been called Hulk.

"You don't need no prep right? You can take daddy like a good little slut can't you?" Jae asked, tilting his head to the side in false innocence.

Jasper's eyes widen, "b - but you're so big."

Jae smirked, "I know," he said smugly, "but I also know you like pain and I like giving you pain."

Jasper slowly nodded his head, "just go slow," Jasper said.

"I might start slow, but it won't be lost long and," Jae said, reaching over into the nightstand and grabbing the lube that sat upon the table. He popped the cap off and spread the liquid onto his hardened cock. He pressed the tip into Jasper before slamming in.

"W - What the" Jasper cried out, feeling the full pain of Jae's dick stretching his walls.

"It's easier if it's all in," Jae said, moaning under his voice at the feeling of Jasper's tight well clenching and unclenching around him.

Jasper let out groans of pain, which only made Jae's brain itch to pound into him.

After a few minutes, Jasper informed Jae he could move and Jae didn't disappoint.

His thrust was strong and unholy, the strong grip on the doctor's tiny waist was strong enough to leave bruises for some days, the heavy breathing and low groans mixed with airy moans of the word, "f - fuck," sent the doctor into a world of pure bliss and heaven.

Jasper felt as if he was floating and his mind was fuzzy and unclear, but he didn't mind, because Jae was destroying his body, just like he asked.

Jae had leaned down, biting and marking all over Jasper's neck as his dick kept pressing against the male's prostate, Jasper moaned loudly went Jae bit a little too hard, drawing the slightest amount of blood, which he happily licked up.

The smaller male's hand found its way to Jae's back, digging into his shoulder blades, making Jae pound even harsher into the doctor.

"F - Fuck," Jae moaned into Jasper's ear, his voice low and rough.

"I'm close." Jasper moaned out, his legs trembling, and his voice shaky, but he was soon disappointed when Jae stopped thrusting.

"Wh - What are you doing?" Jasper asked.

"Baby, did you not listen. I'm edging you until you're only begging for release and even when you beg, I won't let you."

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