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IT was no surprise when Jasper had awoken to an empty.

BRAX probably wasn't allowed to stay or even spend the night with the male. Jasper had stretched out and looked around, he didn't have much to do, since he was locked in a room.

He was able to reach the bathroom, but that was it. The chain cut short just before the closest and the door. His ankle was raw from having a chain rubbing against it continuously and it hurt, but Jasper had gotten numb to it, for the most part.

The skin was red and peeling, it reminded him of when he was younger, riding a skateboard, he begged his parents for. He was just learning how to grind and when he reached the end of the railing, he lost balance.

His arms, hands, and legs all scrapped up against the concrete, the cuts bled and he had to rush back home, tears were staining his eyes from the stinging pain in his body.

His mother helped him clean up, not ever questioning what happened, she hummed a happy tune as she cleaned him up.

Jasper misses her, she was an angel on Earth, so he knows she'll be one in heaven.

He lost his mother to suicide, she was depressed for many years and Jasper didn't know, how was he supposed to? His mother seemed fine, she never looked sad or down.

His dad was trying to heal, he did very well, keeping himself together, but Jasper could see he was falling apart.

So Jasper started to talk to him, every day, making sure his dad was okay.

That's when Jasper decided to become a doctor for the mentally ill, he wanted to save lives, so no one had to experience what he did.

Jasper heard the door open and looked up to see Cody, he slowly walked in, "I'm not supposed to be in here. Jae said so, but I wanted to see you. See if you're okay. The voice wouldn't shut up about you."

Jasper watched the male sit down on the bed in front of him, "don't worry Dylan isn't here."

Jasper nodded, "I wanna go home." He admitted.

"You are home," Cody said, tilting his head to the side.

Jasper shook his head, "this is not home. I don't live here."

Cody clicked his tongue, "we are your family now."

"Family? That's funny because you guys wouldn't understand family when you don't have any." Jasper scoffed.

Cody laughed, "I do have a family, they disowned me and brought me here. Why? Because they couldn't handle someone who looked so much like their mother. Do you ever wonder why I hear voices? Why they say what they say, because of my family. Pieces of shit sent me into a psychic rage. Dylan protected me from them, he would switch when it got so bad. My family would tell me things all the damn time and that's when the voices started to chime in."

Jasper remained quiet, unable to think of anything to say.

Cody chuckled, "my family didn't want me, so I found one that would." The male spoke, before getting up and leaving.

Jasper didn't know all that and now he truly knew why Cody was like this. His whole family hated him cause he was a reminder of his mother.

But what happened to his mother?

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