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"JASPER your next visit starts in ten minutes."

JASPER sighed, running a finger through his long hair. "Thank you, Lacey, I'll be there soon."

She delivered a soft smile and left the room. Jasper sighed and looked at the patient folder.


Drinks blood, will do anything for a sip.


Jasper didn't get paid enough for this.

He groaned, running a finger through his hair.

The doctor got up, walking over to the small pile of clothes he had stashed in his office. He grabbed a cream-colored turtleneck, figuring that would be best to cover his neck.

Jasper headed down the corridor, two guards standing by the door, one grabbing his keycard and swiping it against the lock, allowing Jasper to go in.

The room was a copy of Axel's, no personal touches were added to the room, probably because they weren't trusted with anything.

A male laid on the bed, facing the ceiling. He was thumping his fingers against his chest and he hummed an unfamiliar tone.

His head perked up when he heard the doctor speak, "Hello, I'm Jasper."

The male happily sat up. "Finally someone with good blood."

Jasper shuddered at the comment. "Um, I'm your new doctor."

"Duh," Harper said, getting up and walking to the table, sitting down and tapping his fingers.

Jasper mimics the action, also sitting in the chair, pulling out his notebook and pencil. "How did you sleep?" Jasper asked.

"That thing called a bed is just blocks of wood with a blanket and pillow. How do you think?" Harper retorted, his eyes darting to the pencil, a small smirk covered his face which was unseen by Jasper.

Jasper looked at the bed, "I'll talk to the boss and see if I can get you better beds up here." Jasper said, taking a note of the beds.

Harper raised a brow at the male. "You're making a note to ask?'

"Yeah. What you say matters."

"So if I said I wanted to suck you dry, would that matter?" Harper said his words making Jasper's mouth go dry.

"U - Um, it - it would," Jasper said, wanting to prevent the conversation.

Harper licked his lips and looked Jasper up and down. "Hmm," Harper hummed.

Jasper awkwardly messed with the ends of his sweater, rolling up his sleeves.

"Oh baby, someone's got a nasty scar there," Harper said, his tongue rolling over his bottom lip.

"Ah," Jasper said, quickly covering the scar.

"Did it bleed badly? Looks like it needed stitches. All that blood wasted what a shame." Harper said, getting up.

Jasper grabbed the pencil, holding it close to him as he watched Harper stop in front of him.

"G - Go away," Jasper said, trying to push his chair away, but Harper grabbed the handles, holding the chair in position.

His hands then grabbed onto Jasper's thighs, holding his legs still. He dropped to his knees, pushing Jasper's legs apart, his tongue darting out as he looked at the male's thick thighs. "I can't wait to get a taste of you."

Jasper took the pencil and brought his hand down, trying to stab Harper.

He heard a chuckle as the pencil was snatched out of his hand and now pressed into his thigh.

Jasper screamed as the led dug into his skin, crimson fluid now gushing. Harper smirked, "finally a decent meal." He said, licking his lips.

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