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"HEY I know I have been avoiding you, I just didn't know what to say."

LACEY admitted as she sat down in the chair across from Jasper. "So now you do?" Jasper challenged.

"Yeah, how are you doing? With those rumors going around I can imagine how hard it is," the rumors she started. "How are the patients?" She asked.

Jasper sighed, "it's been rough with these patients. I have never been through so much trauma with these guys, but there is one good thing that comes out of it."

"What's that?" Lacey asked.

"Brax," Jasper said, a soft smile filling his face.

Lacey hummed, "the fire one?"

"Yeah, he is really sweet and just started telling me things. I felt like me and him made a real connection." Jasper admitted.

Lacey nodded, "make sure it isn't a romantic one." She spoke with a soft smile, but her words were cold.

"I know better," Jasper said, his voice going quiet towards the end.

"You'll have a connection with the other ones too, just don't give up. If you want I could rearrange your appointments and make you have Brax now." She spoke, but her words almost made it seem like she doesn't want to help.

Jasper shook his head, "no need, I have to face all the others at some point."

Lacey nodded, "then you'll be seeing Axel in ten." She spoke, getting up before she left to turn to say, "you can and will get through this and whatever happens I will be here to listen."

Jasper sent a soft smile, "thank you."

She closed the door behind her and Jasper's smile fell. He rubbed his neck, the bruise had just begun to turn a stained yellow.

A sigh left Jasper's lips as he got up and grabbed his white coat. He placed it on and headed out of his office, he walked down the hallway and up the stairs. He went to the room Axel was in, Jasper noticed that there was only one guard today and the one that flirted with him yesterday was gone.

"What happened to the other guy?" Jasper asked the guard who was reaching down and grabbing his keycard.

"Got killed, murder." The guard said, with no emotion in his tone as he swiped the key and opened the door.

Jasper walked in, the information still running through his brain. The guard was dead. It sent an uncomfortable chill to run down his spine.

Axel was sitting at the table, swinging his feet and humming happily, which made Jasper confused to see the male act this way.

"Welcome back toy, I've been waiting for a whole week's worth to finally get my hands on you, but sadly Jae said I couldn't hurt you," Axel said, a fake pout covering his face, as he childishly crossed his arms, "too hard." He finished, getting up and grabbing Jasper, whose body flung into the others.

Axel held his waist tightly, "ah baby, the bruises are fading, looks like I'm going to have to remake them."

Jasper squirmed in the tight grip, trying to push himself away from the male, but it was useless, this male could have been a bodybuilder.

Axel laughed at the attempt, "let's face it, baby. Like I said before you are my toy, there is no reason to fight, you won't win."

Jasper didn't listen to the words, instead, he still pushed himself away from the male. "I suggest you stop moving or I'll hurt you more than I plan to." Axel threatened, his grip tightening around Jasper's waist, his fingernails digging into Jasper's pale skin.

Jasper let out a whimper of pain, making Axel smirk, "good boy. Now let's begin the fun."

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