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JASPER had awoken with a headache, the bright light flooded his eyes, making his head only pound more.

HE goes to stretch, looking around an unfamiliar room, memories flow back. His palms start to get sweaty, as his fight or flight intuition kick in. He jumps up out of the bed, making his vision get blurry, but he doesn't care. He needed to get out.

He rushes to the door, but gets pulled back and falls onto his butt. His leg ached at the immediate pull back, they looked down, seeing he has a chain connected to his ankle, that was attached to the wall.

He reached down and pulled out at the chain, but it was of no use. Jasper wasn't a strong guy and this was a steel chain.

A sigh left his mouth as Jasper stood up, crawling back into the unknown bed, pulling his knees up to his chest.

His eyes filled with tears, he was officially trapped with psychos. The door opened. "Are you crying?"

Jasper eye's darted up to see Jae standing in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest, a look of worry filling his usually stone face.

Jasper looked down, not wanting to meet Jae's eye. How could he face the person who knocked him out and took him from his life?

Jasper watched the male sit down in front of him and he flinched when Jae reached out, expecting a hard hit, but instead got pulled into a chest, "please don't cry. You're fine, we won't hurt you." Jae said, pressing a kiss to the top of Jasper's head.

Jasper cried harder, "you already have." He sobbed into Jae's shirt, soaking it with his tears.

The older pulled away, wiping the tears that fell out of the younger's eyes.

Jae reached over to the side table, pulling out a bottle of water and two small pills.

"For your head," Jae said, handing him the medication and water, he got up and exited the room.

Jasper took the pills, taking them down with some water. He laid back in the bed, closing his eyes.

As the male was half asleep, he heard someone enter the room, closing the door quickly behind him.

Jasper felt the bed dip and arms wraps around his waist, being pulled into a toned chest.

He felt lips press against his neck, leaving light kisses up and down on the male's pale skin.

Jasper turned to face the person who entered the room. He came face to face with Brax, who was smiling hastily.

"I didn't want them to take you. They don't listen. But I'm happy you are here. I missed you." Brax whispered, his voice low.

Jasper's face flushed at the words, unable to control his emotions. "Why did they take me?"

"I wasn't there for the planning, I was in suicide watch. But they don't usually get drawn to people, yet they all like you. It's rare, you're special to us." Brad explained. "Please don't hate me."

Jasper looked down at Brax's arm, seeing bandages covering the skin. His heart sank, out of all the people he was stuck with if he lost the one person he likes it would hurt him.

"You wanted to die, even though you had me?" Jasper asked.

"No, I didn't kill myself, because I had you. I fought death to stay with you."

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