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"JASPER, your next patient is waiting."

LACEY said, before quickly leaving the room without allowing Jasper to speak. She saw the marks on the male and had refused to talk to him after that unless she needed to.

Jasper didn't know why she was ignoring him, but he was quick to hear word around the building that Lacey was jealous that Jasper didn't choose her. She started to talk poorly of the male and Jasper was truly upset at the fact someone he considered a close friend would be such a terrible person.

The curly-haired male sighed, grabbing his white coat and placing it on. He looked over the file.


Hears voices and talks to them.


Jasper sighed, running a hand through his hair. Schizophrenia, something he has never dealt with and was nervous about.

He walked down the hallway, chills running down his spine as he made his way past his other patients' doors.

Two guards stood talking at the door, they saw Jasper, swiping the card and letting the fragile boy in.

Instantly he saw the male inside the room head turn to him, his eyes looking beside him as if he is looking at someone else.

Jasper awkwardly made his way over to the table, which was wood instead of metal, the male assumed it was because metal is shiny.

Cody quickly made his way over, sitting down.

"Hi, I'm your new doctor, Jasper."

"Cody and sometimes Dylan," Cody said, his fingers tapping against the table, his body twitching now and again.

"Dylan? Do you have somebody else in there?" Jasper asked, taking note of such.

"Y - Yeah, sometimes he likes to come and say hi, but he isn't as nice as me. He likes to touch things. The voices like me to touch things too." Cody said, his eyes darting around the room.

"They tell you things? What are they telling you right now?" Jasper asked.

Cody's face turned a dark red, his eyes tinting pink at the question, "they want me to do things to you. Bad things. They um, they want your hair in between my fingertips as I tug on it to hear you scream. They want to hear your scream. Screams, yes."

Jasper's eyes widen, as he watched Cody's eyes close and his face drop into an emotionless face. His whole body dropped, as his eyes opened again, blinking aggressively. His eyes locked onto Jasper, a smirk filling his face as he scanned over the doctor's pale face.

"Cody?" Jasper questioned.

Cody shook his head no, slowly in a taunting matter.

"D - Dylan?" Jasper stuttered out, a wide, wicked smile covered the male's face as he nodded his head yes.

Quickly, Dylan got up and rushed over to Jasper, pushing the chair over, making Jasper fall down the chair helping protect him from the hard ground below him.

Dylan was on top of him, pinning his hands above his head, Dylan's body covering up his chest, his head tilting to the side in a mocked innocent.

"Are you scared?" Dylan asked, giggling coldly.

Jasper didn't speak, his words trapped inside his mouth.

Dylan just leaned down, his mouth brushing against the doctor's ear, nibbling on the lobe as he spoke. "You should be. Unlike Cody, I listen to the voices." Dylan spoke, before beginning his fun.

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