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JASPER watched Harper take the key, pushing it into the lock, twisting until a click was heard.

THE chain dropped to the floor, a loud bang that made Jasper jump slightly. His eyes landed on his ankle the skin was raw from all the constant rubbing of the metal.

"I'll get Jae to get you something for that." That was all Harper said, before grabbing his knife, licking the blade, getting the remaining blood off of it. He sent a wink to Jasper before leaving the room.

Jasper got up, walked over to the closet, finally able to reach it. He opened it, seeing an array of his clothes, mixed with clothes he has never seen before.

Most of the unknown clothes were hoodies, along with girl shorts. His hands felt the fabric of the hoodies, before finding one that was dark navy blue and black tie-dye hoodie, it was soft to the touch.

Jasper grabbed it, along with some basketball shorts.

He went into the bathroom, now noticing an assortment of shower supplies that weren't there before. A towel was folded and placed on the counter.

Jasper went over and turned the water on, quickly removing his boxers, stepping into the shower, grabbing some cucumber melon shampoo and conditioner, washing his curly hair. He grabbed watermelon and peppermint body wash, cleaning off his body and the cuts.

He exited the shower, drying himself off and placing on the soft hoodie and basketball shorts, happy to finally get a decent shower. He knows he didn't smell bad, but his curly hair needs constant attention.

He walked out of the bathroom, seeing Axel laying on the bed. Jasper froze in place, Axel scared him the most, the male was insane, even more than his brother.

Axel ranked up and down the tiny male's body, his tongue running across his bottom lip, wetting it. "You look fucking hot in my bruises, but even more fuckable in my clothes."

Jasper's knees buckled at the statement, scared he might slip into sub-space again, it was too risky with a sadist and a dominant in the same room as him.

Axel smirked, getting up and walking over to the male, Jasper stepped back, until he was met with his back pressed against the bathroom door. Axel's hand was placed on the door, by Jasper's head, leaning in, "I heard you and Harper, it made me mad."

"W - Why?" Jasper asked.

"I wanted to hear you moan from me, to taste me, to beg for me. I'm possessive," Axel said, leaning in, "that's why I want to bruise up your beautiful skin." Axel whispered, his voice raspy.

Jasper's mind clicked and his brain became hazy, once Axel's lips went and bit on the male's neck. His other hand, gripping the male's slim waist, holding it tightly, knowing that it was going to bruise the pale skin, made Axel excited.

Jasper whined at the pain in his hipbone, pressing into the cut that was healing.

Axel grabbed Jasper picking them up tossing him on the bed, climbing on top of him. He held Jasper in his place, a smirk fell on his face, loving to see the male below him.

"Oh god, I'm going to love bruising this beautiful skin, yet again," Axel said, reaching his hand down, wrapping it around Jasper's neck, again, quickly.

Jasper gasped at it, feeling Axel's hand squeeze against his throat, but this time it was different.

Axel didn't squeeze as harsh, instead, his fingers pressed onto the side, resulting in a rush of pleasure and euphoria to spread throughout his body.

Jasper realized he had messed up when a sound of a moan left his mouth.

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