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"DON'T listen to your voices."

JASPER said, trying to get free from the male. Dylan snickered at pleading, "I like my voices. They get me." Dylan said, "and oh god, the things they want me to do. I'm going to have so much fun. Touch? I should touch him." Dylan spoke, looking above Jasper.

His eyes twitched, before landing back on Jasper, quickly yanking off Jasper's shirt. He rubbed his hands up and down Jasper's side, "they like pretty things. You are very pretty." Dylan said, "marks." He leaned in and began bitting harshly, on Jasper's pale, milky skin. Bruises began to form in a trail, leading down to Jasper's pants.

Jasper reached up, to push Dylan off. Dylan leaned up, his face forming into that of hostility, his eyebrows furrowed. "They don't like when you fight. Don't fight. Just enjoy." Dylan said, pressing harsh kissing into Jasper's skin, his tongue darting out as he licked up and down the small imprint of a v-line.

Jasper tried to wiggle out, which caused a low, deep growl to leave Dylan's lips.

He grabbed onto Jasper's waist, hard, his fingers digging into the skin, as he looked up at Jasper, slowly his eyes rose and met Jasper's. His eyes twitched around, making Jasper believe the voices were telling him things.

A smirk fell on his lips. "Yes, ours." He said, going back down, biting and tugging harshly at the skin, making Jasper cry out in pain.

"Don't move again. They get louder when you do that." Dylan said, pressing gentle kisses over the huge red bite mark that lay near his hipbone.

"Don't want to hurt you. Want to please you. Hear your moans and whines." Dylan said, "but if I must, I will hurt you worse."

Jasper gulped harshly, hearing those words leave the male's mouth. He was scared to fight him off, he needed to think quickly. Within a second he started to moan softly, hoping that it would make Dylan release his tight grip, but it was no use.

Without another word, Dylan's lips went back to what he was doing, unfazed by the noises, he was more encouraged by them than anything.

Jasper's chest began to rise and fall rapidly when Dylan used his teeth to tug at Jasper's pants. Jasper kicked him away, quickly backing up once the male was off of him.

Dylan's face turned emotionless again, his head dropping and his body relaxing. A moment later he reopened his eyes, blinking aggressively, yet again.

"Oh - Oh my god. I'm so sorry. Dylan got out. Are you okay?" Cody said, his eyes meeting Jasper, Cody bent down and grabbed the shirt that was once on the doctor.

Cody's eyes wandered down the male's body, before Jasper put the shirt on, Cody saw all the nasty bite marks that have covered Jasper's pale chest.

A smile soon took over Cody's features, as he looked the frightened male down. "He has good taste. The voices aren't as loud anymore," Cody said, pausing as he listened to the voices in his head, "oh - oh you're ours now. They marked you. You can't leave." Cody said.

Jasper rushed to the door, hoping to get out, but Cody was faster, he stood in the doorway. "You can't leave. You are ours. Mine. Yes, mine. Ours." Cody said, reaching out for Jasper, who dodged the hand and rushed the door.

"We will get you back." Cody said, "trust us." Was the last thing Jasper heard as the door slammed and he was rushing down the corridor.

All that came to his mind was, I gotta get a new job.

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