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JASPER was left alone once again and instead of being happy, he was bored.

THE chain on his ankle didn't allow him to do much, all he could do was sit and think. So Jasper just thought about the people who had kidnapped him and robbed him of his life.

He hated them for it, he didn't get a choice. His whole life was gone within seconds and he didn't even do anything to deserve this. He was trying to fix lives and this is what he gets?

Jasper laid down on the bed, his stomach growling in hunger, but of course, they don't feed him anything, because they don't care about him. He is simply a toy for them, but when they are bored, he won't get tossed away, he will get killed.

He turned to the side, bringing his legs up and holding them against his chest. He hoped that helped with the pain in his stomach from hunger.

His eyes closed, as he let out a sigh. A moment later the door opened and someone walked in, but that wasn't what caught his attention, the smell of food did.

He sat up, seeing Jae there with a plate of breakfast. He handed the plate to Jasper, who accepted it quickly, eating the bacon and eggs at a fast pace.

Jae sat down beside him, watching the male eat. "I'm sorry for not feeding you yesterday. I thought Cody made your food and that's why he snuck in, but I was wrong."

Jasper stopped eating at the reminder of Cody, making Jae tilt his head, "something happen?" He asked.

"What happened to his mother?" Jasper asked, looking at Jae.

Jae was taken back by the question, but regained himself, "she died when Cody was five from cancer."

"Is that why his family hated him?" Jasper questioned.

"Mostly, they tried to find a way to blame Cody, constantly yelling at him, sometimes they hit him. The worst was when they would touch him. A child that young doesn't understand fully what is happening. His brain knew he couldn't handle all that on his own. That's when Dylan came, he took all the beatings and yelling. Dylan is hypersexual, it was the only way he could take all the constant raping. His brain is a bit messed up from it all, which is why he is crazy." Jae explained, "the other ones aren't like that."

"There's more?" Jasper asked.

Jae nodded, "but only Dylan and Cody know about each other. What Cody and Dylan went through you in your wildest dream could never imagine. His mind started to hear voices from all the constant yelling his brain was taking on, along with the brain making alters to protect itself. He fought through a lot, but he's so tired now from everything."

Jasper tilted his head at the remark, making Jae shake his head, "his brain can't keep up with all that is going on sometimes and so he sleeps a lot."

Jae took the plate from Jasper, "we all come from dark places, but that doesn't make us all bad people." Jae said, standing up.

"Take some time to understand us, not as a walking mental disorder, but as people. People who had to fight to survive in their own homes." Jae said.

"You can hate us all you want, but we aren't monsters, you of all people would know that."

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