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THE moan gave Axel enough consent to keep going.

AXEL grip tighten on Jasper's throat, as his free hand slipped under Jasper's shirt and toyed with his nipples, rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. Jasper back arched at the euphoria, wishing his nipples weren't so sensitive to touch.

The way Axel's hands knew exactly where to go to and how to send Jasper's body into a wave of pleasure, made Jasper want to beg for his touch, but he didn't.

This seems to only make Axel want to hear it more, so he, with much dismay, removed his hands, "you want this, baby boy, why not show me?" Axel said, grinding down on him.

Jasper gasped feeling Axel's semi-hard dick press into his, making him instantly thrust his hips back into the male above him. "See baby, you want this dick in you, but yet you won't beg for it. That's all you gotta do, beg for this cock." Axel said, grinding back into the smaller male.

Jasper moans turned into needy whines, he needed more than this teasing he was getting. "P - Please," he panted out.

Axel let out a hum of satisfaction, before taking off the hoodie that once covered Jasper's pale skin. His hand went behind the male, grabbing the smaller male's plump ass, dipped into Jasper's waistband, this finger toying with the hole, lightly pushing in and out.

His finger kept teasing the hole, making Jasper let out a bunch of needy cries, "please, please, please." He begged, pushing his ass back onto the digit.

"What do you want?" Axel teased out, pushing his finger back in, this time passed the first knuckle, before pulling back out quickly.

"You," Jasper said, his voice airy.

Axel liked the answer and pushed his finger in all the way, curving against the velvet walls. His finger going in and out fast, making Jasper start to droll. "Such a whore, I haven't even given you my cock yet and you're already drolling," Axel said, using his free hand to remove Jasper's shorts.

He pushed in another finger, seeing the pain expression from the stretch on Jasper's face, only turning his sadist side on more. So he pushed in another before Jasper could even adjust to the second one.

Jasper let out a cry in pain, which only made Axel want more, he craved more. His hand reached up and pulled harshly on Jasper's hair, making the male sputter in pain. Which added to the excitement Axel was feeling, hearing the painful sounds only turned him on.

Axel pulled his fingers away, grabbing his pants, removing them, and wiggling out of his boxers. Jasper's eyes fell to the size and gulped, Axel was about nine inches and thick.

Axel rubbed his dick up and down Jasper's hole, teasing it. He pushed his tip-in, loving how Jasper clenched around his dick, almost like he begging for Axel to fuck him.

Axel pulled back out, pushing his tip back in again.

The door opened, which made Axel thrust into Jasper who let out a cry of pain and pleasure, droll trailing down his chin.

"God, fuck." Axel uttered out, looking at the door to see Cody standing there a smirk on his face. Which was a quick tell Dylan was fronting.

"Having fun without me, I see," Dylan said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the doorway.

Axel let out a chuckle, "you can join us if you want. My little baby boy wouldn't mind."

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