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AXEL chuckled at the male's breathless beg, he leaned down to the male.

"GOOD boy," Axel praised, before tightening his grip on Jasper's throat. Jasper moaned at the feeling of Axel's strong hands wrapping around his throat and squeezing tightly.

Axel pulled the male up by his throat, so Jasper was now standing in front of the male, "I wanna see your face when I'm giving you what you want." Axel said lowly, his voice was rougher than normal.

Jasper felt his back being pushed up against a cold surface, when he heard the noise of humming he knew Axel had backed him into the fridge. "God, it's been so long since I had someone who wants this." He said, "and knowing you want my hand wrapped around your throat makes this feel better."

Jasper couldn't respond with actual words, so instead he let out breathy moans, feeling his dick start to throb against his pants, he knew he was going to need something to help suppress the throb, so he took his hands and grabbed Axel's black tank top and pulled the male against him, moaning with his covered dick brushed against Axel's.

"So needy. When all you have to do is ask, baby. Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you." Axel said.

"Tell me you want me to fuck you right up against this fridge, tell me you don't care if anyone walks in on us, because you just desperately need my dick in your needy little ass. You want me to pound into you without remorse or care about how you feel. Tell me you want me to fuck you like a sex doll and cum on you like the toy you are. The cum slut you were made to be. Come on, baby, tell me you want this." Axel said, all while grinding harshly against Jasper's dick.

"I - I want this." Jasper stuttered out, his mind getting fuzzy.

"What do you want?" Axel egged on, wanting to hear the male beg for him.

"Your dick in me. Ramming into me without stopping. I want you to hurt me and bruise me up. Make me and use me as a cum whore. I want you to make my legs weak and my body to move. I want you to fuck me without stopping, I want you to claim me and use me. Please. Please let me be your toy." Jasper begged.

Axel nodded, "good boy." He praised, making Jasper's heart flutter.

The taller male grabbed Jasper's neck harshly, pulling him to the counter and aggressively pulling the male upon the countertop. His hand still tightly wrapped around the doctor's throat, sure enough, to leave a bruise against Jasper's pale neck.

Within a second, Jasper's shirt was no longer on his body and the cold air made his nipples perky. Axel smirked, grabbing one of the pink buds and pulling it. Jasper gasped at the new sensation, his body covering in goosebumps from the new pleasure.

"Ah, does my little slut like his nipples being touched?" Axel asked taunting the smaller while giving the perky bud another squeeze before tugging again. Jasper let out a small whimper at the touch.

Axel chuckled, "it's a shame I don't want to wait any longer to fuck you, or I would have brung out my toys." Axel said, "oh well, there's always next time." Axel smirked, yanking Jasper off the counter by his throat and using his one free hand to pull the male's pants down, along with his boxers.

He forcefully turned Jasper against, pushing him hard against the counter, bending him over. He pushed Jasper's torso against the cold countertop. Within a second Axel's pants were dropped and he was thrusting into Jasper.

The smaller male left out a cry of pain mixed with pleasure, "fuck, baby. You sound so hot." Axel groaned out.

Axel's thrusts were fast and powerful. With each snap of his hips into the male, so forceful the smaller male felt himself getting closer and closer to release.

Jasper just moaned in reply, his body shaking from how thick Axel's cock was. Jasper soon felt a smack against his ass, making him whine in pain and pleasure. The stinging sensation made Jasper feel himself get drawn closer to the edge.

A couple more hits, Axel reached over, pulling Jasper's body up against his and tugging the male's nipple hard, leading Jasper to cum all over the counter and soon Axel to cum as well.

"What a good cum slut." Axel said. "And good cum sluts get rewards."

"What's my reward?" Jasper asked, panting.

"Your freedom."

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