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JASPER instantly kissed Brax back, his chapped lips messily kissing the male back.

BRAX moaned into the kiss, pulling Jasper's body against his, his dick pressing against the shorter male's. Jasper gasped feeling Brax's cock harden, showing his true length, making Jasper believe everyone in the house was packed.

Brax lifted Jasper, Jasper wrapping his legs tightly around Brax's waist. Brax pushed Jasper up against the wall, their covered cock colliding together, making a whimper leave Jasper's mouth. The older of the two took that as an invitation to get a taste of the doctor.

Jasper's body shivered at the feeling, pulling away. "W - What was that?" Jasper asked, making Brax chuckle and stick his tongue out. A silver stud is placed in the middle of the male's tongue. "Got it when I turned sixteen after found out I was gay. Wanted to make guys cum from just my tongue."

"O - Oh." Jasper stuttered, making Brax smirk. "Let me show you." Brax said, placing Jasper down and dropping to his knees.

Brax slowly pulled down the sweatpants, watching Jasper's cock spring free. "No boxers? Hm..."  Brax said, leaning in and licking the slit, his piercing pressing in.

Jasper whimpered at the feeling, buckling his hips. "Ah ah, good boys wait." Braxton teased, before licking up the side of Jasper's cock.

Without a second to spare, Brax took all of Jasper's thick dick into his mouth, deep throating all of Jasper.

The male was not used to receiving blowjobs, in fact, he only had one other person give him head.

The room was quickly filled with loud moans, as Jasper was unable to control his body's reaction to the unusual pleasure. The metal ball on Brax's tongue was only adding to the euphoria the smaller was feeling.

"More, more, more." That was all Jasper whispered out among the moans as Brax's moved his head back and forth, humming at the taste of Jasper, he was by far his favorite.

Brax smiled to himself, happy he was able to make Jasper feel such this way.

He reached up, grabbing the doctor by the side of his throat and choking Jasper. Axel had spilled that Jasper enjoyed being choked, so Brax knew that the smaller would be okay with it.

The veins in his hand and arms flexing around the paler male's throat.

He pulled away from the males throbbing hard cock, a string of spit connecting between the two.

Brax used his free hand, to wipe his mouth and break the string. "You want more?" Brax asked, his voice changing to that of a caring tone, he slowly stood up, his hand still wrapped around Jasper's pretty throat. "I'll want to give you more," Brax whispered out, his lips near Jasper's ear, his breath fanning over it. "But I don't think you could handle it, baby. I might wreck you. I can't control myself in bed."

Jasper whined, baring the side of his neck, allowing Brax full access, "then wreck me. Please." Jasper whispered out, breathlessly, just from the excitement he felt.

"You wanna be my baby boy? You got to earn it." Brax said, lightly nibbling down on Jasper's neck. "Show me what you can do. Show me you're a good boy." Brax said, dragging the hand around Jasper's throat to pull the male down to his knees.

"If I don't wreck you from a blowjob, then I'll keep going, okay baby?" Brax said, reassuring the male.

Jasper nodded his head, "mhm, okay." He spoke, reaching up and pulling down the tight boxers, allowing Jasper to see how truly big Brax was and Brax was huge, but what caught his eye was another piercing placed in the tip of his cock.

Jasper looked back up, making Brax chuckle.

"That's for my pleasure baby."

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