chapter 35

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Umm hi...

Yeah I didn't update for 20 days but ehh anyway new chapter yay......


3rd POV

After Jungkook left to go to the village pack. Taehyung was still processing what just happen.


The word just stay in his mind. Repeating more and more. He was only thinking of that.

Until he realized that this has never happen before. All the times he has done in their past life, Jungkook only understood and hold him close like a caring mate he is. Not saying he wasn't this time but it was weird.

'Why could he do this now?' Taehyung though to himself or so he thought.

'I mean it's understandable thought' Taehyung guess V heard his thoughts and decided to have a conversation with him. He rolled his eyes at V.

'What.. why would you said that' But as V talked, Taehyung became defensive over the topic and his view point.

'Because you just meet him, in this life that is. And if you haven't notice you just said that this pack of wolfs are literally cursed because of our jealous aunt and you two are like the main characters of a freaking prophecy. And he thought he was going to live a normal wolf life' As V kept talking more the more speechless he felt like.

'I----- well yeah but he always understood. I don't understand why not this time' Taehyung still trying to understand but still he didn't put himself in his mate shoes.

'Well for me it was always fishy, that he always understood because if it happen to me I would feel the same way. Umm talking about fish can we get some for dinner' At the last part Taehyung rolled his eyes at V but now that he thinks about what the others, obviously the first part to the fish part. Did all past Jungkook felt overwhelmed with everything but were too nice to tell him or felt like he didn't have the right. Now he sees his wolf has a point.

'V can we please don't. I just want to understand him. But yeah I think I see your point. Maybe he does need some space and time and I will respect his wishes' he decides to give Jungkook space like the other wanted. He will respect the others wishes.

'Great now that you got that figure out, can we get some fish to eat?" Again he rolled his eyes for the third time at V.

"Ughhh fine whatever' he at the end gives in because he isn't going to lie he kind of wanted fish now that they were talking about it.

With the decision he just made about the wishes of his mate and his want of fish, he went to the house he will be staying at.

Maybe they will have fish for dinner today.......


And thats the end of the chapter. I really need to finish this story so i'm thinking of how many chapter will there be but anyway

Bug out

(That means's a reference...)

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