chapter 15

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New chapter kinda late to posted but yeah.


Jungkook POV

After a while of talking with Yeri about me and Taehyung or just random things. We were just relaxing in the couch.

When there was a knock on the door. Yeri weng to open it. It was one of the only maids who knew about the hide out.

"Young alpha and young beta, your parents are asking where you are and asking for the birthday girl" the maid said.

"Thank you for letting us know Sam" I started " we will go and meet them right away, lets go Yeri"

"Ok Jungkook oppa" Yeri responded

With that the maid(Sam) lead the way where the rest of the family were.

3rd POV

They finally arrive in the living room for family meetings

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They finally arrive in the living room for family meetings.

"Oh the birthday girl is here and the soon to be alpha leader" said Jungkook's Uncle, Yeri's Father.

"Dad~ stop" Yeri complains.

The rest just chuckled at that. While Jungkook didn't really liked to be call future Alpha leader he still laugh at that as their uncle and aunt didn't know he felt kind of uncomfortable to be call that.

After they all catch up with one and another. While they where laughing at a story of Yeri when she was a baby. Jungkook's father came with a worry anf kind of mad face.

Namjoon being the oldest in his siblings and cousins he said "Is there something wrong father?"

"Yes son. Yeri dear, Happy birthday and i am sorry that we can't celebrated like we usually do but something has happen" Joon woo said.

"What has happen, brother" Joon woo's younger brother, Jae woo said.

"The gems from our great,great,great grandmother and his brother our great,great,great granduncle has been stolen." Joon Woo said finally saying the reason why he seems worry and mad.

While all of their family where shook to find that out as the gems where precious to their family even the youngest knew, they didn't notice how the eldest son face went from worry to shook in a second.

"But how could that happen" said Jae woo wife's Ara said.

"We don't know i suspect it was at night, so i am going to check the cameras" Joon woo explained his plan. While namjoon thought 'great he had cameras on,just great'

"Sons come with me, brother come too" Joon woo finished.

"Uncle can me and Yeri come too" Joy said to her uncle.

"Yes,fine come" was the respond.

Namjoon POV

I am screwed

Thats what i thought as soon as my father said he had cameras on.

Shoot why didn't i know about this

I need Taehyung's help and fast.

In another place

Taehyung POV

"So do you think this look better or this Taetae" I heard Jimin said while choosing from to hats in a store close to the hotel.

"Eh umm the second one looks better" i finally said. While Jimin keeps thinking which one to buys i just looked around bored out of my mind.
When suddenly there is a voice in my head.

"Kim Taehyung we have a problem"

"What namjoon hyung if you don't know i am busy shopping"

"S-shopping you don't lik-------- , nevermind that my father has camera on and knows the gems are missing. He will see me stealing them on video"

"Well yeah Jimin forc---, wait what your parent has that what now. Oh god how can we erased that video"
I worried about all of this i need to go to the hotel now.

" i don't know but what i know is that we have minutes to erase the video because i am going with my father to check the video now"

Shoot i thought

"Jimin i-i forgot something in the hotel be right back ok." While finishing with my excuse, i start running towards the hotels.

I heard behind me "but i am not done yet" with a pout in his face jimin probably said.

"Ok i will do something about it just distract them for as long as you can namjoon hyung"

"Ok i will try"

With the link was cut off.

Mother help me, this cannot happen, the plan will be destroy.
Please help me.

So thats the end of the chapter and good news i have a background history for the story which helps and connects with the plot soon enough it will be said. Also i think this will be a kind of short story well at least 30 chapter or may be more but you never know😪


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