chapter 16

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Hope u guys like the new chapter

Taehyung POV

As soon as I got into the hotel room Jimin and I shared. I looked around to find------.

Aha there it is

I get the computer I need to hack into Namjoon hyung's Dad but how..........

As if the world was giving me luck or power, my fingers started to hack into it.

Thank you mother.

I didn't really know how I could do it but it was like if my fingers knew.

And pretty fast I could see in the screen the video where Hyung is looking around every second to check nobody is awake and catches him.

I kinda laugh at that.

Aww hyung you never change

Now I just need to delete it and I am done with it. I finish pretty fast and thank my mother for that, i am glad she always hears me.

I just need to mind link Namjoon hyung now.

Namjoon POV

So i need a distraction easy easy.....


"Hyung are you alright?" said a worry Jungkook at the same time Yeri said
"Oppa are you ok?"

They all stop to see me holding my leg as I accidentally fell hurting my leg.

"I am fine" I said with a weak voice

"Son do you need to go--------------" started Joon woo worried about his eldest son.

" I am alright just help me jungkook" I cut him off.

"Yeri-ah help me you that side and me this side" Jungkook orders to Yeri.

"Yes kook" while she follow to help me.

With that both cousins went to one side of their brother and cousin.

"Are you sure you are alright oppa" Joy ask the eldest in the teens.

"Yeah lets go, we need to know who stole the gems" was the respond I gave.

"If you say so namjoon" said Jae woo.

"Como on kids" said joon woo still looking at his son.

"Lets go then" i said walking weakly with the help of Yeri and Jungkook.

Almost at the office where I think is where the TVs connected to the cameras. I start to for think another distracti------

"Namjoon hyung I am done its deleted" a voice said in the mind link.

"Oh thank god, I don't think they could believed i accidentally broke my leg and now arm" I started through the link

"Well actually they could believed it" I continued thinking it could be believe able for me though.

"Well yeah I meant you are a danger even to yourself. " I heard Taehyung laugh through the link.

"Haha very funny" little brat.

"I heard that" taehyung teases me.

"Whatever leave me alone wait actually thank your brother for the acting classes"

"Genius he still doesn't know you yet. But I will kept that in mind when he remembers" he reminds me.

"Oh right yeah ok byee then" with that I cut off the link


I though to myself when

"I heard that" he replied with a mocking tone.

"I was hoping you did" I really didn't but meh.

I knew for a fact that Taehyung was giving me the finger I could feel it and probably pouting at my words. But meh.

I don't care.

He knows he is a brat.

3rd POV

After a while they finally arrive at the room with the TV's connected with the cameras. With a bodyguard infront of the door.

"Most be really important" Joy and Yeri thought.

The alpha leader whisper something to the bodyguard and they let them in the room.

The person infront of the TVs stands up and bows to the like royal familyof the pack.

"Alpha" He respectfully aknowledge the leader.

"No need for that please Mark"
The alpha leader said. Mark nods.

"What time would you like me to show you,alpha?" Mark asked.

"Yesterday at night about midnight"

"Ok alpha" with that Mark went to work to put up the video to show the alpha what he asks for.

"This doesn't make sense" the others hears Mark mumbled in low voice.

"What happen?" Yeri aks before she would stop herself.

"The video is not here, young beta. Its been erased but I don't know how I have been here since morning and nobody has access to this except our alpha leader" Mark explain

"Wait so someone erased the video from what time" Jae Woo said

"From around midnight to few minutes later?"

"Then lets look at a few minutes earlier" Joy proposed an idea.

"Yes show us a few minutes before the video was erased" Joon Woo said trying to not get mad this thief was Smart.

At the same time Namjoon was standing there without the help of the youngest shook.

He remembers Taehyung said Jungkook went out a few minutes before he went to get the gems so that means.......

"Oh no" namjoon thought

'Taehyu----------' he tried to connect to the mind link but it was to late everyone saw Jungkook in the camera walking out to the woods.
The room went silence as Namjoon, Yeri, and Jungkook who knew why he went out, widened his eyes while the other where questioning if they should believed if he was the one who got the gems or not.

Well thats the update not that long chapter but yeah thats the chapter. Hopefully next chapter will be posted sooner as its been 10 days since I last posted.

Well bye.

Also for the ones confused who mark is

Also for the ones confused who mark is

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Is mark from GOT7.

Ok thats all byeee.

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