Chapter 47

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Hello so

It's Friday in the morning means that I didn't get to write the chapter during the week. I will write it during the rest of the day when I have time.

But again is because of softball at the moment. Oh random thing, I have to stay after school every day and Saturday in the morning I have to come too. 😃

It's great 😀

I don't even know how I'm managing right now but yeah hope you guys enjoy the new chapter and yeah.

3rd POV

Taehyung eyebrows furrowed tightly confused on what was happening this night, the same day as the other problems began.

Still he looks at his unconscious mate and decides what he should do. He grabs him and put Jungkook's unconscious body on his back and leaning walks back to the pack.

It was late at night, Taehyung doesn't think someone will be awake still he walks as quietly as he can with carrying a body on his back.

Jungkook, although to other people he would be heavy to Taehyung he was not that much but also not to light.

He walks and as he looked at the halls, he realizes that if he wants to put Jungkook's body in his own room. He will have to past many rooms including his twin sister Jihyo, Namjoon and his own brother and their cousins staying in rooms close.

But most importantly the alpha pack leader and his wife, Jungkook's mom with also Jungkook's uncle and aunt.

So yeah he decides he will not put himself to that risk so he walks back to his guest room.

Jimin is staying at his mate's room so nothing to worry, he will just use his bed for Jungkook's unconscious body.

He arrives easily as his guest room is in the first floor of the pack house and all the alpha leader's family are in the second floor.

As he opens carefully to not make he comes in and closes the door. He walks to his bed and as best as he can, he lays down Jungkook.

Taehyung tils his head 'Jungkook looks peaceful' came the thought to him.

He was tired from everything that even though even though before he would even close his eyes, now he felt like a log to the bed.

Maybe it was Jungkook's presence or maybe it was just tiredness and stress, either way Taehyung went to sleep in Jimin's bed.

***Mini flashback***

Jungkook's past few days have been stressful with everything conflating in his mind with so many things to think about.

He was re-born, having many lives before this lifetime. It felt like a joke but no-it wasn't.

Still part of him still didn't believe it much but after the problems with his mate, he couldn't help but be stress and worry he was doing something wrong.

But was he?

He wanted a bit of space, just to analyze everything. To understand everything and to not be behind or something from the others who believed the story so easily.

But it wasn't.

With so many thoughts in his mate he wouldn't sleep for the life of him, so he decided to walk around the forest.

And so that he did, he went and just walked around but without noticing he found himself in lake, where he first met Taehyung, his mate.

Well he met this lifetime, he thinks as he doesn't anything about his suppose to be past lives.

The only who knows is obviously, Taehyung his mate. Taehyung's older brother Jin and finally his own older brother Namjoon.

Which still baffled him, to think his older, strict and follow all the orders brother was one of who knew.

But back to his walk, he sat down close to the water as he lay down to just stay there for some time.

To just have some thinking time which he needed.

But he didn't notice when he felt asleep and when he found himself in his dream, lucid dreams which felt almost real...

He saw himself in a different set of clothes and then someone calling his name, so even though he thought he should. He followed the voice.

He walked and walked until he read the voice calling out to him and so he found himself in front of his mate, Taehyung.

But his mate looked different, he looked happy. Though he has seen his current mate or just his lifetime mate happy it wasn't the same.

He couldn't place it but it was different.

"Kookie, Kookie come on!" Taehyung-not his Taehyung said as he looked at him with such a bright gleam in his eyes.

Jungkook expression shows how he was confused but the Taehyung didn't notice or just simply decided to ignored it, Jungkook's didn't know.

Still the other continue to talked.

"Let's play! Before mom come back" The Taehyung said in such excited and cheerful voice he didn't even do anything when he was grabbed and pulled.

Soon he woke up after that. But the dreams continue and continue and each time it was a different Taehyung, never repeat at the moment.

But this night was different because he couldn't sleep close to the lake as someone was already there...


I think I will edit this chapter in a few days as I think I can put more details but since I don't don't want to not post of Friday so this is what you'll get.

I wrote this at 11:10 to 11:45 so yeah.

It was made in a rush but yeah.

Other than that goodnight or day idk.

But yeah goodnight, I need to sleep I shave softball practice at 9:00 am tomorrow so yeah goodnight.

Bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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