chapter 14

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New chapter, hope you like it.


Jungkook POV

Yesterday after I came back from my and taehyung usually by now meetups. I fell to sleep happily. Knowing I could be finally happy with my mate and family. Not even a title could bring me down at the moment.


After training I had in the morning with my hyungs then I went back to my house. What I didn't remember was that someone was visiting, well I guess someones.

So when I was greeted with sudden hug and question I was shocked to say the least.

"Big cousin, did you miss me?" A voice full of happiness asked.

"Yeri i-i what are you doing here?" I ask instead of responding her question. She was one of my baby cousins but yeri was the closest to me. We are literally brother and sister. She just gets me and understand me more even do she is only 15 and I am about 4 years older.

She pouted. "You forgot didn't you?"

"I-I-I I didn't" I say unsure.

Think fast what did I forget? Its not my birthday, not jihy-- wait is the same thing. Not my aunt birthday, neither my other aunt. Wait... its her birthday shit.

"Really then what day is it and why is it important to not forget?" She ask while she crosses her arms across her chest looking serious even though she just looked like a cute puppy.

"Oh stop making that face you only look cute and today is your birthday so happy birthday also it is important to not forget because how can I forget my favorite cousin birthday" as I was ending she starts to smile. Suddenly another voice came in.

"Ouch that hurted cousin" the new voice said.

"Oh joy" I started "ummm" I didn't know what to say .

"Oh jungkook oppa I am playing, I already knew it." Joy said as she puts her arm around my shoulder. She was the tallest between her and yeri.

Yeri glared at her when she saw that and push(not that hard) her arm off and hug me possesively.

"Back off, he is mine favorite cousin find one for you" I chuckled at that and hug her back.

Joy puts her hands up saying she lost.

"Well I guess I see you later jungkook oppa. I will go catch up with namjoon oppa." She said as she was leaving the hall way where we were at.

"Ok bye" I said to her. Waving a little bit.

Then I heard yeri mumbled "she want to steal my favorite cousin"

I chuckled and grab her by the waist pulling her up and turning around with her.

She scream and puts her head in my shoulder.

"Put me down, put me down" she said.

"Fine and just to let you know nobody will steal me from you are and you will be my favorite cousin forever".

"Good" she starts. "Lets go to our place." As she continue, she pull me with her to our secret cousin place.

=============Skip time===========

3rd POV

By secret cousin place they refer too their hide away room where they used to spend time as kids when they found it. It was dirty and old before but with the help of one of the maids and workers it turn out like this.

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