Chapter 41

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Idk about you guys but have listen to the song on the top^

Because I just found it and the other two I also like it's so good.

Give it a listen if you haven't.

Other then that hope you like the new chapter and I am still deciding of what to name or who to put as mate of J-hope so if you have an idea comment it.

Again hope you enjoy the chapter♡
3rd POV

As people were leaving the meeting room to give the mates some time.

The youngest moonchild just happen to run into a back as he was talking to his older brother.

Taehyung instantly was about to apologized but froze as he saw his mate's eyes.

That said mate had turned around and was looking at Taehyung. Jin seeing this, he gave a hint to his mate and left the mates alone just a few feets away from the meeting room.

The other people had already went to do what they were suppose to be doing.

Taehyung shake himself of that frozen stage and apologized when he realized they were alone.

Jungkook saw Taehyung looking around and he also notice that they were alone.

"Stupid hyung" Taehyung mumbled in a quiet voice. Jungkook still heard but he still asked "what was that?"

With a red face of embarrasement Taehyung said "nothing"

The other just nodded at the reponse. With that a silent came between them. Taehyung spoke again seeing as Jungkook probably didn't want to talk to him yet.

"Sorry for keeping here, I should get goin--"

But was cut off in the middle of speaking.

"Taehyung would you like to see my favorite place in pack?"

That question shocked him so much that he thought he couldn't give a straight answer so he just nodded as response.

Taehyung was looking that made him not able to see a sigh of relief that came out the trueblood and soon followed a small smile.

"Follow me" Jungkook said as he started to walk. Taehyung followed close by still kinda looking down.

They walked for a while in silence as neither knew how to start a conversation as what the trueblood had said about needing time and all.

Taehyung wanted respect that so he was walking a 2 or 3 steps behind the alpha while trying to not overthink any of these events.

Soon they found themselfs in the garden of the pack.

Taehyung became a bit confused, don't get him wrong he was glad to spend time with his mate but he had already been to the garden.

But then he became even more confused as he saw Jungkook not stopping walking so confused he follow.

Finally he had the courage to ask the other "Where are we going?". Wonder was voiced in his tone.

While the other responded with a glance at the omega and continued to walk that is until they were infront of a gate.

While the other responded with a glance at the omega and continued to walk that is until they were infront of a gate

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Jungkook opens it and walks right away. Taehyung stops for a second then follows right after. Taehyung has never been here. He didn't even there was a secret garden from what he saw in the entrance.

He really shocked and confused as of why he didn't know this place

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He really shocked and confused as of why he didn't know this place.

Jungkook saw that and spoke "I am guessing from your face, there wasn't a secret garden in our past lives"

Taehyung just nodded as he looked around. Then turn his face towards Jungkook as he felt a hand grabbing his.

He looks at Jungkook as if asking what he was doing. Jungkook just smile a bit and said "follow me".

Taehyung left himself be drag to whatever place the other was going.

The omega could only gasp as he saw the view.

The omega could only gasp as he saw the view

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Soon they went in and Taehyung look around. The view and everything was so beautiful. Taehyung was brought out of his viewing when Jungkook talked.

"My Father made this garden especially for my mom, when they were younger. It was like a courting gift"

Taehyung looked stunned for a moment then nodded and smile.

"It's a beautiful gift"


"But why are you showing me this" Taehyung asked as he couldn't hide his curiosity.

With that question Jungkook went closer to him and sighs preparing to speak. Taehyung just looked at him expecting a explaination.

"Tae I-I know you didn't ask to have past lives as well as the rest and neither did I." Jungkook stopped for moment "and it was and it's hard to understand everything but I am starting to understand better and I want you to know that even if we are not together, I am still happy having you as my mate"

Taehyung smiled "me too Jungkook"

With that a small silent came and soon Jungkook felt a bit awkward so he said "um I have a few things to do so-"

"Yeah,yeah I understand thank you for telling that. Do you mind if I stay here for a while?"

"No it's fine stay as long as you want"

"Thank you" with that Jungkook nodded and started to walk away to the pack house.

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook walking away.

"I guess everything is getting better" He mumbled quietly to himself then he went to the little lake and looked at the different fishes there were.

"Yeah I guess everything is getting better" Jungkook agreed from far away as he smile.

Done with that.

The chapter is kind of fluff I think is cute.

And more progress in their relationship yay.

Well bye then.

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