Chapter 44

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Welcome to a new update, hope you guys like it.

Like I promised, every Friday from now on will be a new update!

I will try my best to continue 😼

Until the end notes 👋

3rd POV

After the end of their discussion of their new found problem and the other showing their support to the youngest moonchild and youngest of their group too,.

Jin and Taehyung took down the protective barrier around them so people wouldn't spy on them or accidentally hear anything.

"We need to go to the pack house, we all will be having dinner there" Namjoon informed as he started to walk after he checked his watch, Jin following close after him.

Many realized the older was right so they follow after them except two that don't follow right away.

"Tae are you going to okay?"

"Yeah I just- I thought this were getting better but now we have the Luna knowing and I-"

"Taehyung!" Jimin who stayed behind to talk to his best friend took the other's shoulder and shook the other as Taehyung was started to panic about everything, so to snap him out of his thoughts he shook him.

"Look I know I just got back my memory and I know how difficult it is with the circumstances we are in currently but we will get through this okay. Together we will"

Taehyung calmed down at his best friend's voice as he said all of that to him. He smiled at the other and nodded, which the other returned.

After that they walk away to the pack house from where they were previously talking and discussing.

Soon they walked in the main door to the main living room of the pack house.

"Hey guys!" Greeted Yeri as she saw them. Joy who was with her younger sister waved at the group.

"Hey" they returned the greeting.

After a few minutes, they were all called for dinner so they all walked to the dining room.

All went and sat down, each close to their own mate. Jimin and Yoongi we're next to each, Namjoon sat down close to his father and Jin next to him. Namjoon was infront of his mother who he watched closely since they met her in the house.

Jungkook sat down next to his sister who was infront of Jin, as her mate was not here. Taehyung took a sit next to Jungkook. The others were already sitting down and starting to eat.

Hoseok as he had his own mate, so he left the pack house to go to his own house and to his mate.

As they ate dinner the two moonchilds and Namjoon noticed the stare that the Luna gave to both her own son and Taehyung's himself.

Namjoon was worried about all that was happening while his mate, Jin looked wary of his future mother in law. He will do anything to not have more problems than with his aunt already. So he will watch her as closely as possible.

After they were dismissed by the pack leader, Jimin and Taehyung walked together to their room.

"Tae- umm I-"

"You want to go stay with Yoongi hyung the night"

Jimin looked at him speechless at what he said but nodded furiously. Knowing the other read him as his palm of his own hand.

"You can go but remember when I want I can read your mind, so nothing going on ok?" Jimin flushed at what the other hinted at.

"I wouldn't-" Jimin hurriedly tried to explain.


"Tae-" once again he tried.

"I'm joking with you, just go. You deserve to be with each other after everything" Taehyung said sincerely at his best friend as he smile. The other returned the smile as his eyes started to get teary.

"Go" Taehyung said one more time and say how the other smile widened as he turned and went to his mate embrace who was already there close waiting for him.

Taehyung looked at Yoongi and nodded, which the other did the same as the mates walked to his room holding hands.

Taehyung smiled and walked to the room, Jimin and him were supposed to stay.

Jin suddenly came to him.


"I know you are worry but everything will be fine"

"I know but still I think you shouldn't be alone with the situation right now"

"Jin hyung you and I both know, I can defend myself and yes I had a panic attack before but I'm better now. Go with Namjoon hyung and sleep we may need you guys energy for any sudden attacks"

Jin looked at his younger brother unsure but the other's eyes tell him to not worry so he will tried to do that.

So he nodded and walk away but not before looking at Taehyung one more time.

'call me if anything happens'

Jin said in a mind link to Taehyung.

'I will don't worry"

The other still looked at him unsure but went to his mate still. As they both walked to their room.

Taehyung smiled at them and started to finally walk to his room to rest or tried at least.

As he walked in his room and close the door with a lock, then went to change his clothes to a more comfortable ones.

The room had a private bathroom so before he changed, he took a quick shower and brushed his teeth.

As he went and later down in his bed, he close his eyes to tried and sleep but after a few tries he couldn't.

Time went on until it was already midnight and he still going sleep.

He growled annoyed by this as he want to at least rest a few hours at best but he couldn't even do that.

After trying for god knows how long to sleep a wink, he got up and went to the window and got out the room.

He knew with the circumstances he shouldn't but he didn't care at the moment.

So he turned into his wolf form and run and run until he couldn't no more, until he stopped close to water.

As he turned back to his human form, he looked around and realized that it was the lake where he met Jungkook. He smiled as he looked at the water.

He went closer to the water and with his hand, he reached to touch the water.

He without realizing, he started to remember the first time that he met Jungkook, his mate.

Not noticing a pair of eyes on him.


Little advance for the next chapter, it will be a flashback to their first life and meeting.

Are you excited?!

Well actually I think in a chapter before I asked about who should J-hope's mate should be so I'm going ask again.

Who do you guys want the mate to be?

Anyways goodbye 👋

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