chapter 3

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Hi I came here with a new chapter hope you enjoy it. Now lets get into it.

3rd POV

"Jin hyung where are we going next?" asked Jimin as he was packing his stuff as the three of them were leaving the place they were at.

"Mmm I think we should go south" responded Jin as he also was packing.

While the other 2 talked and pack their stuff, taehyung was looking at the waterfall. He was in deep thought as he stared down.

"Its time" he mumbled. With that said he went down to help his hyungs with everything to leave.

In another place

"Father please try to under-----" exclaimed an irritated jungkook.
As he was once again call to a private talk with his father. Just this time his mother, older brother and sister were with him too.

"Sweetie please calm down" said a worried luna and mother as she stared at his son sadly thinking of the memory of how they found out he was the highest rank in the wolf community.


EunJung a beautiful omega stared at his twins playing. They were just 6 years old, she was so happy to finally have a family.

Her husband was sitting close to her with a arm protective around her waist. While their oldest son was watching his siblings play, smiling at them. Happy to be an older brother.

Suddenly they hear a scream. It was coming from were the twins were playing.

EunJung got up, alarm if they twins were hurt. She went close and say her youngest child in the floor with a pained expression while his body was changing.

She could not believed her eyes, her son was transforming to his wolf. Without thinking twice she went to him to try and calm him down.

Her eyes watered as she saw the pain her little boy was going through. She saw her husband and oldest son come to help.

"Why is this happening" she mumbled as she thinks why her youngest was suffering this.

"Come we need him in the medic" said the worried father and husband.

She helps her husband to go to the medic to find out why was this was happening. She grab in her arms her crying daughter as she was scared for her twin brother and ask"mommy is  kookie going to be okay?"

"Yes jihyo, don't worry" but she was not so sure herself as she said that to the worried sister.

EunJung was walking with the little girl in her arms while she saw her husband and oldest with her little boy who was in pain. She was by now crying with her daughter.

***********skip time***********

The whole family was now watching the youngest in the family in his wolf form from the window of the room in the hospital in their pack.

"Mommy why is kookie like that?" ask the little girl in her mother arms.

"Because when kids like you grow they transform to connect with their wolf, you are going to go through it one day" said the mother as she thinks that this stage of connecting with their inner wolf was at age 10 to 12 around the same time they know the pups rank.

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