chapter 25

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Hey sorry for posting this chapter a little late I didn't even think if I was going to post anything since I have been busy but yeah here you guys go and lets get into the new chapter.

3rd POV

Taehyung was walking to the pack house with the love birds right behind him while the rest was a little behind except for one particular wolf.

Jimin since the meeting with his mate, he was overwhelmed with the meeting. Like you came here you wanted to help your bestfriend not to find your mate. Not that he is complaining. It just wasn't exactly the type of meeting he wanted or even imagine.

Since the warriors and everything else where helping around while the general of the army and alpha leader where looking around for wounded wolfs and planning of their next step to protect the pack.

Taehyung was almost jumping from excitement as he enter the house.

He sighs

Just like he remember the smell of home and comfort came from the house. He miss it, a lot.

Jungkook went next to him and said "where do you want to go Taehyung?"

But before Taehyung could respond as soon as they came into the living Jungkook was brought for a hug as the luna was worried for her children.

"You alright? " then before he would respond . The luna went to her only daughter and finally to her eldest son.

"You guys follow what your father sai----" she cuts herself as she looked at three new faces in the living room. Two next to her sons the other in the back looking a little uncomfortable. "Who are you?" She ask the boy who was closest to her, he had silver hair with blue eyes.

He bowed showing respect as he comes back up he says.

"Hello Ms.Jeon, I am Taehyung, Kim Taehyung"

She was suprise, he had good manners and was kind how did she knew. She just did.

"Hello dear, where are you from?" She asked not noticing Jungkook wanting to talk but couldn't because his mother talk to fast and his mate replied as fast didn't give him time to interrupt.

"I don't have an exact location, I am a loner wolf" Taehyung explained.

"Oh why is that dear, oh and who are the other young men, do you know them?"

"Yes they came with me, he is my older brother while the other is my bestfriend and we have always been loner wolfs"

"Oh okay" she said understanding as Taehyung pointed to the other saying their relationship.

"What is your name dear?" She ask now to the boy in the back looking afraid as he was called.

"Um-I-I'm Jimin,Park Jimin" he bowed as he said that. Unknown to him an alpha was watching his every move. Either to shock or surprise to approuch his mate.

"And you?" The luna said as he watch the male with dirty blonde hair close to her eldest son.

"Kim Seokjin" the other replied as he smiled to the mother of his mate while bowing.

"Mother, he is my mate" Namjoon started as his mother gasp but before she would say anything namjoon continue "Taehyung is Jungkook's mate and Jimin is Yoongi Hyung's mate. Then helped with the army"

The luna was without words her sons and Yoongi who was like a son to her all found their mate after so long of them waiting. While she was like that Hoseok and some other where confused with the second to last information. Yoongi was Jimin's mate, and he hasn't done anything, not even talked to him or anything really.

Taehyung and the other two smiled at the luna, while she still could not even say a word.

Then there was a few squeal coming from behind and from the front of the mates. Jihyo,Yeri and Joy came squealing as they heard of the three sets of mates. While EunJung was so excited she couldn't stop herself. She went to hug each individual omega.

"Nice to meet you, I am so glad to finally meet you"

After a few more minutes after, Taehyung realized that he still needs to explain to the others.

And good for him as the luna was needed to go and check on the warriors and more. It was not that he didn't want to talk to her. It was just that he needed to explain.

"Ok can I explain in a private place?" he asked. Jungkook obviously told him about the family meeting room and guide them all to the room.
Even though taehyung already knew where it was.

"Thank you Kookie, and nice to see you guys again" as he said people became confused. They have never meet each other.

"Uh we have never meet, Also nice to meet you. Jungkook's told me first about you" said Yeri a little excited at the end. And Jihyo couldn't help but to roll her eyes, why? You may ask because Yeri has been bragging about knowing first a few times now.

"Oh wow, good to know he told you Yeri, but we have meet each other before" he started. Yeri was confused she doesn't remember telling him her name.

Taehyung sighs and this doesn't go unnotice by a trueblood. Who was confused with all that is being said by his mate.

"You won't believe me now but each of you guys are 10,000 years old to more to come if we don't stop my aunt, the sun goddess"

Ok thats the chapter I am sorry I didn't post yesterday or the day before but I have been busy.

Also I had my nails made so now they are long and I feel weird with them but yeah byeeee.

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