chapter 18

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Ok before the chapter I forgot to add the new character in the last chapter

Vernon• older brother of Joy and Yeri• cousin of the Jeon siblings • closest to Namjoon • 20• has a mate• alpha

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older brother of Joy and Yeri
• cousin of the Jeon siblings
• closest to Namjoon
• 20
• has a mate
• alpha

Now we can go into the new chapter. Enjoy🙂.

3rd POV


Totally silence.

Thats what you would hear from the family meeting room.

Nobody(except for Yeri and Namjoon) believed what they have just heard.

What that means that is that if the young trueblood had a mate the family thought the moment he found out he jump around excitedly and would tell them, no one thought he would kept it a secret neither that he would lie before he was force to tell.

"What?" was finally what Jihyo, Jungkook's twin said not knowing what to say or belive.

Jungkook just looked down. He doesn't know what to think about his family reactions.

So he decides to repeat himself.

"I went out to meet my mate at midnight"

Everything stayed silence until.

Came a scream from the first person to step out of the feeling of shook from the new found news.

The luna of the pack

EunJung walks from were she was to hug her youngest child.

Her baby finally found his mate, the one he always waited for, the one who her young trueblood longed for. The day finally came to see him finally with his mate.

Jungkook hesitantly hug his mother back but melted into the motherly embrace easily after.

Soon after everyone seem to step out of their shock. But still not saying anything as the luna began rambling.

"What is their name?"
"How old are they?"
"Is this why you been happy this past few days?"
"Are they nice?"
"Do you think the moon goddess chose right?"

"Honey, thats enough dear, let the boy breathe and respond" The alpha leader said to his wife. Then he looked at his youngest son.

"When did you found them?" Joon Woo ask his son.

Jungkook slowy removes himself from the embrace of his mother. And looks at his father.

"A week or 2 ago" was the response.

The father remain quiet not knowing what to say more. And it stay quiet for few seconds before

"YOU KNOW THEY FOR THAT LONG AND DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL YOUR TWIN SISTER" a scream came from Jihyo looking mad at his brother, he went up to him and Jungkook thought

"Well I guess I am dead now"

What he didn't expect was Jihyo to come up to him and give him a big hug.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT, why didn't you told me?" Jihyo continued scream then calm herself and finish talking.

"I'm sorry sis, I just....." Jungkook started but stops and sighs " I wanted to know him then bring him to meet you guys" Jungkook finish.

"What is his name cousin?" Vernon talked after Jungkook finished. Asking the question some were thinking.

While other felt relieved that Jungkook didn't lie no more. Namjoon was glad he follow what Taehyung probably told him. But then he thought

'Wait Jungkook always listen to him anyway.........'

"His name is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung" Jungkook responded.

"congratulations Kook you finally have your mate" Joy said to Jungkook. Feeling happy for him.

Jungkook gave her a smile then turn to his father and uncle with a serious expression. Everyone knew what was happening so they became silence once again.

"Father I didn't steal the gems, I never went to your office without your permision" Jungkook finally said.

Joon woo was thinking now the video was erased and Jungkook only went out to the forest then came back and went to his room as the video showed. He wouldn't have steal it because the time would not work.

Jae Woo didn't know what his brother will do since the gems has been pass down from generation to generation. Those where the most precious posseassion they have in the family. Also a legend with them too.

Joon Woo finally after some time speaks again.

"Son I don't believed you can be thief and you have never lie to me before today to hide your mate. So I will have to have people search for those gems. I don't think you did it"

Jungkook smile at his father and went to him and hug him. Feeling happy his father believed him.

Joon Woo was surprise by the action but hugged back his son. He whisper "when are we going to meet him?" To him.

Jungkook pull away from the embrace and says happily "soon".

With the next hour or so was spend Jungkook telling about Taehyung but he didn't say his rank. While the rest of the family Congratulating the young trueblood alpha about finding his mate.

"WAIT, you are telling Yeri-ah knew about him before me" An angry scream escape Jihyo as she finds out Yeri knew about Jungkook's, her own twin brother, mate before her. Well hours before but you get the point.

"YOU ARE DEAD JEON JUNGKOOK " was the only thing Jihyo scream running to as said before kill her twin brother.

Jungkook knew this was going to happen so he was already running before his twin sister finished.

The rest watching starts to laugh at the twins.

Well thats the end so yeah, also i want to really finish the book so i am updating more faster than before. So yeah.

thats all. For today. Byeee👋👋

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