Chapter 36

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Sooo hi.........

Yeah I know that I haven't update in like maybe 2 months or maybe even 3 but yay an update.

And you know what I get how you guys get when I don't update since a few of my right now favorite stories haven't been update in so freaking long.

So with all that said lets start with a new chapter (finally am I righ?)

3rd POV

You what they did indeed have fish for tonight's dinner. V was excited while Taehyung was still thinking about what Jungkook said.

The three omegas were invited to have dinner at the pack house which they will be also staying in at.

While Taehyung and Jimin helped around the pack because of some damage caused by the fight earlier. Jin and Namjoon went to the hotel the three loner wolfs were staying in and they got the clothes and everything else too.

While coming back they talked about what will they have to do about the war that somewhat just started.

After they finally arrived, it was time for dinner so the couple went to Vmin room to see and call them to go eat.

They were both there so they all went to the dining room where Taehyung saw they did indeed have fish and even chicken for dinner.

Everyone else was already sitting there so they bow as sorry for being late.

"Oh don't worry about it, come and sit with us" said the luna of the pack sweetly while smilling at all of them.

The four quietly went and sit down.
Taehyung was next to Jimin who was next to his mate. To Taehyung right was Jihyo who was next to her twin.
Namjoon went to his usual sit next to his father's right infront of his mother. Jin was next to him.
(You can decide where to put everyone else)

Soon enough everyone was eating. Jimin quietly talking to Yoongi who let out a small smile once in a while. Jin was talking to Namjoon and sometimes to everyone else. Taehyung on the other had was just quietly eating his fish but even his want to eat was slowing decreasing.

The alpha leader clears his throat to get everyones attention and he does. As he sees that he starts talking.

"Firstly, I just wanted to once again say happy birthday Yeri and I feel sorry for your partly being cancel sweetie" he stops for a bit giving time for Yeri to say something.

"Is no problem uncle, there is more birthdays to come anyway" she smiled as she finish her sentence.

The alpha leader nodded and continue to talk.

"Secondly, I want to thank and welcome Jin,Jimin and Taehyung for helping us in the fight. I heard you three fought the whole army without help which I must say is impressive"

Jin and Jimin bow slightly while Taehyung looked up as he heard his name being called and awkwardly smiled while also bow slightly following the other two lead.

"And finally I am happy to know both my sons now have their mate which for that let us celebrate that"

At that everyone was smiling while Taehyung froze 'did he knew? I mean the luna knows but not the alpha leader, does he?'

Still the alpha leader continued.

"I am happy to meet you Jin as my oldest son's mate but I also hope to meet my youngest's mate"

As soon as he finishs the luna had a confused look and made a sign to her husband to come closer to her and started to whisper something to his ear. The alpha leader had a shook then an understanding face while nodding at what his wife was saying to his ear.

Taehyung watched that knowing full well what the luna was saying.

The alpha leader clears once again his throat again reganing the attention of everyone.

"It seems that I have already met Jungkook's mate, Taehyung right you are his mate?"

Taehyung was nervious with now everyone watching him and knowing he had to respond he nodded his head as a response.

"Well thats great and also I didn't knew Yoongi has also found his mate Jimin. I am guessing you both were shy about it so you didn't say anything. Well let me just say welcome to the family, lets us have a toast to celebrate this and Yeri's 16 birthday"

Everyone who was over 18 had wine while the other under 18 had a juice of their choice they chose in the beggining of the dinner.

After that Jihyo asked Taehyung if he wanted to change seats so that he can be closer to Jungkook which has also been silent the whole night. He said no saying he wants to be with his bestfriend at the moment.

She nodded and made a small talk with him the rest of the night.

Soon after it was time to go their rooms to sleep. So Taehyung and Jimin went to their room after saying goodbye and goodnight to everyone else.

An as soon as the door of the door was close Jimin asked to Taehyung.

"Tae even if we don't talk like we used too, I still know when something is wrong. What happen?"


And done great right.

Anyway byee.

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