chapter 38

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I have nothing to say except enjoy the new chapter


3rd POV

Soon after their talk, both Jimin and Taehyung felt asleep and soon more later it has been 2 days they have stayed in the pack silvermoon.

Jimin and Jin talked to their own mates. Taehyung on the other hand try to do what Jungkook asked him to give him some space and time so he did while also trying to distract himself with helping around the pack and even the main family of the Jeons.

Sometimes he would sneak a glance of Jungkook and smile at his mate. Even if he wanted to be with him all the time, he understood more now than ever of how he most feel and for worse they had to fight in war just in a few days.

Taehyung also kept himself busy by trying to decide to who to give thhe memories back to.

He has Namjoon and Jin who have already their memories and he just chose that Jimin and Yoongi will also be getting theirs back.

Now he can give to 3 more people their memories and if they hopefully finally one at the end all of them would have their own memory if they chose to.

Taehyung has told almost everyone about how they should meet up to figure out the next thing to do after he gives Yoongi and Jimin their memories.

So with said everyone by now said they would meet up at the pack house at 4:00 p.m.

Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung were only waiting in the meeting room in the pack house.

Soon later everyone slowy came by to the meeting. Jihyo was one of the first to come and went to sit by Taehyung who she has been with a lot this past few days. They got along so well is was crazy for her to realize that if this war ends. They will become real family when Jungkook and Taehyung married and finish the mating process.

After the last person came which was Jungkook. They all sat down in the sofas and seats that were in the meeting room.

Seeing everyone was sitting down Taehyung got up and started to welcome them then went to the important matter about memories saying he has chosen two people who he thinks will be beneficial to remember their past.

"Who is it then Taehyung oppa?" Yeri asked looking around trying to guess who would it be.

"Well I have chosen them but they will decide if they do want to remember or not"

Everyone nodded understanding what Taehyung said, and he continued saying.

"Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung and I have discussed it and we agreed. The two that we have chosen are Jimin and Yoongi hyung"

With that said everyone who wasn't Yoongi or Jimin looked at the couple. Yoongi even though he didn't showed it he was shocked and Jimin didn't even try to hide it as his eyes widened in shock.

"M-me?" Asked Jimin still shocked by slightly pointing at himself with his right hand.

"Yes Jimin even if you don't know now, you were one of  the most powerful wolf not matter rank"

At the mention of rank some were thinking what rank they three loner wolfs were as still they haven't said it.

"And Yoongi hyung because he was the one who always makes the plan to end this war even though we have fail before we only have because my aunt always does some thing we don't expect but Yoongi hyung's plan always brought us closer to victory"

At this Yoongi didn't hide his shock as what the male standing was saying. He made the plan,he was the one who helped in such important way. He couldn't believed.

Namjoon now got up from his where was seating and spoke to the mates.

"You have the option to say no to have your memories back so we have to asked what's your choice? You want your memories back or not?"

Everything went quiet as the others looked at the couple who were seating next to each other.


Okay thats all for this chapter byeee.

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