chapter 31

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Ok i have a lot of inspiration right now i will give guys a new chapter.

Hope you like it.


Jimin POV

As I was in deep in thought I almost didn't hear the clear of troat right behind me, I guess trying to get my attention.

But as I turned around I froze.

He was standing infront of me looking as handsome as the first time I saw him but the uneasy feeling came back like when he stared at me inside before.

"Hi umm my name is Min Yoongi, your mate"

End of POV

3rd POV

To say Jimin felt scared was an understatement. He froze with millions of thoughts clouding his mind.

Part of his mind saying:
'You are finally meeting your mate you should be happy'

The other was saying:
'Run,either as wolf or human run to the hotel and hide.'

Before he decides which one to do, the alpha wave a hand infront of his shocked face.

"Mate?" The alpha says unsure as he does remember his name but decided not to used it as it could scare him. As he noticed how uncomfortable the wolf felt with his eyes one him.

"H-hi i'm Jimin"

Yoongi felt surprise, he thought that for sure his mate would not talk to him because he knew the other felt so scared in the new enviroment.

He was right because Jimin didn't talked, Chim did. Who was Chim?he was Jimin's wolf who came into control because Jimin felt so scared and out of place that he gave up control and it was not like it hasn't happen before.

Jimin after Taehyung became to distant himself from him, sometimes he felt so out of place that Chim came out acting as he was Jimin when he wasn't.

They both shared thoughs so it wasn't that hard to acted as his human part.

'Jimin you should talked to your mate' Chim tried to convince Jimin to take control because Yoongi was not Chim's mate, that was the human part of his mate not really his but Jimin's.

'I can't' Jimin couldn't he felt so scared, he has always felt scared after what happen with Taehyung. But both Taehyung and Jin didn't really known

'Jimin' Chim still tried to reason with his human part

'I c-can't i'm sorry' Jimin felt defeated even if he wasn't actually fighting

"I was scared to talk to you because I felt your discomfort but I am glad you feel more relax now" Yoongi talked

"Oh yes is all new as me and the other two are loner wolfs" Chim replied as Jimin but he wasn't lying about what he said.

'Jimin he felt scared to talk to you when he is an alpha because he felt your feelings' Chim tried once again.

'I-I heard Chim' obviously he heard they are in the same body.

'Then take control and talk to your mate. Be a little more brave' Chim had to try, he just had too.

'B-bu---' Jimin tried to argue back but was cut off

'Try to if you really can't I will. Just try to get to know your mate' Jimin finally decided he had to at least try


With that they change and now Jimin was in full control as he was before. He looks more nervious but he will try as Chim said be a little brave


Well then Byeee.

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