chapter 2

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Hope that anyone who is reading this story is having a good day.

Now let's start with the new chapter.


In the far unknown a boy in the top of a mountain close to a waterfall was staring up at the sky. It was noon as the sun was going down, you could see the boy sigh.

If you could get close you would see how beautiful he is. With a perfect body any girl will die for and blue eyes as beautiful as the night sky. A grey kind of silver hair while his face being perfect without imperfections. At the same time the now night light of the moon fell on him. Making him shine like a star.

At the same time another boy with pink hair behind the grey/silver haired boy stared at the said boy. The pink haired boy sighed while looking down for a second.

"Hyung he is doing it again" he called while a male behind him responded.

"Jimin you know how he is, just call him after some time or when I have the dinner ready, ok?"

"Ok jin hyung" replied the pink haired boy now know as jimin while looking at the boy close to the waterfall. He couldn't help letting out another sigh as he looked at the boy.

Jimin slowly turn to go walk to the opposite direction of the boy and went to help his jin hyung with dinner close to their camping site.

The boys were brothers while two being really related, and the other brought in at young age as he was kick out of his old pack, for not reason.

They are loner wolfs, always traveling across the country. Sometimes running from alphas who want them as their own personal slaves. As the three brothers are beautiful even if you didn't liked it, you had to admit it.

The three right now where camping close to the waterfall the grey/sliver haired boy was close to. This was a spot they had decided to rest for this night as they hid from any kind of danger.

After sometimes Jimin went close to the grey/silver haired boy to call him for dinner. And even if they were always running away they were not poor they still had for their meals each night and day.

"Taehyung the dinner is ready" Jimin said to the boy sitting down. A little far from said boy because he knows the boy needs time to be alone and privacy at times that he acts like this.

"Alright Jimin hyung coming" replied the boy that was sitting down. Slowly he got up from the ground.

Jimin just looked at him for a seconds then he walked once again back to the camp site.

"Bye mom" mumble the beautiful boy now know as taehyung. As he looked at the moon. Turning away from the moon he went to where both his hyungs where.

The next day

As morning came by, the three brothers started to wake up, as they relied on the sun as their alarm clock.

The oldest was always the first one to wake up to do find something to eat in their bags where they had their food and supplies in.

After a while he made breakfast for him and the other two, so he went to wake up the others.

"Hey wake up chim and tae" said the oldest as he tried to wake up his little brothers. Who from the look of it where in a deep sleep.

Jimin mumbled something about the lines of '5 more minutes hyungie.' Instead of waking up.

The male who was awake roll his eyes at the pink haired boy sleeping and sigh knowing the only way to wake him was saying.

"Wake up jimin, food is ready"

At the word food the boy that was Sleeping literally jump of the sleeping bag he was previously sleeping in and his face showed he was now completely awake and ready to eat.

"I'm awake, what's for breakfast?" Ask the now awake pink haired boy, looking around for the food.

"Aish, only for food you wake up for"

"You know how I am jin hyung. Now give me food"

Jin only pointed behind him, while Jimin stood up and walk to eat. At the same time Jin went to wake up his little brother.

"Hey tae, its morning already wake up" said Jin gently while looking down at his brother as he was sleeping.

"Mmmmhmm" was the replied he got as an answer. As Taehyung turn around in the sleeping bag.

"Come on tae wake up" he tried again.

"Mmmhmm" sigh "fine" another sigh "Jin hyung" was now the answer. With that the grey haired boy was starting of getting up.

The older male just smiled and went back to see if Jimin had ate all the food.

If he did, there will be a punishment for it.


This is the start so let me do the kinda of the introduction I guess. But other then that hope you like the new chapter. Stay tune for more updates on the story.

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