chapter 32

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Before the chapter I just want to say something.

Stream blue hour by TXT and I can't stop me by TWICE

Yeah thats it.

3rd POV

I can do this, I am brave enough to talk to him, to my mate.

He looked at Yoongi one second and decided.

'Nope I can't, Chim take control.' Jimin said to Chim as he wouldn't,he just can't.

'Jimin...' Chim said in a warning voice. He doesn't want to force Jimin or anything but he wasn't even tried so he didn't have a choice.

'Ugh fine' Jimin replied knowing well he will lose in a fight with Chim.

He was about to talked when he felt a arm on his shoulder. He looks at the hand then the person.

Yoongi, Min Yoongi was trying to get him out his deep thoughts.

"Sorry but you seen lost in thoughts" he apologized as he takes his arm away. Before letting Jimin speak he asked

"Are you okay? You became tense and more nervious"

"Ah ummm" Jimin make a sentence. He tried to speak but the words wouldn't come out. Yoongi was looking confused as the male infront of him was opening and closing his mouth every few seconds.

'Jimin be a little brave,he will not judge or anything. Just talk' Chim spoke in his mind.

Jimin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath calming down. He opens his eyes and sees the male infront still being confused.

He smiles a bit,shyly. He puts his hand out. Which Yoongi hesitantly takes for a second time.

"I'm Park Jimin and the one who talked before was my wolf part called Chim" Jimin explained

Yoongi makes an understanding face and smiles at him.

"Min Yoongi" he said as they slowly pull away but put their hands in the individual backs.

"Thats explain it" Yoongi said which made the omega now the confused one which he looked so cute that Yoongi heartbeat accelarated a bit.

"Explain what?" Jimin asked tilting his head to the right feeling a little relax now.

"The nervious feelings came back and you became tense" Yoongi explained what he meant before.

"Ah yeah, sorry it's j-ju----"

"Hey don't worry about it. If you don't feel comfortable speaking about it, you don't need to tell me." Yoongi cut him off as he felt the other was uncomfortable with the topic so he wasn't going to force him to speak about it.

Jimin nodded while smiling shyly. His mate notice how he didn't want to talk about it so he feel glad that he didn't need to explain to him anything or well not at the moment.

"I wanted to speak to you since I first saw you but with the attack" Yoongi said

"We couldn't" answered Jimin knowing what he was talking about.

"I understand" Jimin continue saying.

Yoongi smiles at the other and continues to talk "I actually wanted to ask if we can get to know each other better at least for the time we have with everything happening"

"Ah of course, I would like that actually" Jimin said as he looks a bit down while rubbing his hands together.

"Ok great" Yoongi replied looking relief as he was nervious of asking that to Jimin.

"Yeah well I think I should be going to the room I am staying at so" Jimin said pointing to the direction they show him where he and Taehyung would be staying at.

"Oh of course, do you need help finding the room. I can show it to you" Yoongi asked if the pink haired boy infront of him needed help.

"Oh no its all right, thank you Yoongi" Jimin answered blushing as he said for the first time his mate's name. Yoongi also blush a little bit.

"Ok well see you later" Yoongi said bye to the other. As the other waved at him back smiling shyly which he gave one of his smile back. Then the pink haired boy turned and left into the pack house.

He kept looking at that direction the other went. Still with a smile on his face and slightly red adoring his cheeks.

"Well,well,well I could have never thought you would be this whipped Yoongi with your mate" A laughing Hoseok came from behind Yoongi. Scaring him a bit but you don't know say that.

"What the-------. Hoseok where you spying on me" Yoongk furrowed hus eyesbrows as he slightly glared at Hoseok, one of his bestfriends.

The other laughed again instead of answering. Which made the frown on Yoongi face go deeper.

"Oh come on, don't be mad at me for doing it. I really thought you would scared the other and actually didn't you say that you hated the soulmate things and stuffs?" Hoseok asked in a playful manner.

"Oh shut up" Yoongi angrily said then continue saying "I was 12 for god's sake"

The other just laughed again.
Jimin POV

As I enter my room for my staying here. I let out a breath I was holding while slowly slipping down to the floor with back against the door.

That was stressful

I thought but was rudely interrupted my wolf.

'Hey first, I am not rude shut up and second you did great. I knew you would do it'

'Fuck, I sometimes forget you can heard everything I think' I said to Chim

'Not just sometimes,always is a better word for it' I would literally see him rolling his eyes at me.

'Because I am dumbass'

'Aish whatever, thank for the support or whatever'

'Ungrateful brat. I help you with everything' I mean he is not really lying.

'Yeah thats obvious,genius'

'Yeah yeah shut up stop listening to thoughts. Thanks now let me rest for awhile'

I knew Chim was some what mad but he didn't said anything because we were both tired. Both because my fight and meeting our mate.


And done. Soo you guys might not know but TWICE is my favorite gg so I was excited for their comeback. Let me tell it's perfection 10/10 I love it. I have listen to all the songs in the album I LOVE them. Also i'm a Moa so I was also wanting for the babies comeback let me tell they never dissapoint. I love blue hour is just so relaxing while also makes me want to dance. I haven't had the time to listen to their b-sides but I will soon because they are one of the groups I listen to all their songs so yeah. I am happy with their Comebacks so stream and stan TXT and TWICE for quality content.

Anyway thats long byeee.

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