chapter 20

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New chapter since i have nothing better to do sooo.

Some time earlier

Namjoon POV

I am currently mad now, why you may ask because everyone in this room is giving me pity. Saying and I quote.

"Is going to be okay you will find your mate soon"

Like I know who and where he is not need to say that. Just because Jungkook have his mate doesn't mean I don't have mine then just don't understand yet.

No was the first thought as soon as i saw Jennie, a lookout from the pack, running to father i knew something was happening.

But it shouldn't...

She explain there is an army formed by different creatures infront of our barriers thats when I knew we didn't have time. We need to act now.

As father said to go we ran, across the different houses of the pack members the members on full alert for anything.

Our warrior being on front of the houses a few meters apart the other led Yoongi hyung as the next general of the army with his father next to him.

We reach were they were as father ask his Friend, the father of Yoongi.

"Have they done anything yet, are they a threat?"

"No they have not done anything yet" was the respond.

Before farther My uncle said what times of creatures were the army formed by. The answer was unexpected.

"Fairies,pixies, even some centaurs"
(Just to tell you guys the fairies,pixies are the same size as humans so yeah)

"What but we have always been in peace with them" Jungkook said as I know some people thought the same.

But the only thought i3 had in my mind was if we don't move forward with the plan we will be killed....... once again.

With that thought I connected the mind link with Taehyung.

"Taehyung we are out of time"

In a different place

3rd POV

Taehyung was right now in his room with both his hyungs. The others were watching a movie while he was in his computer. Just planning for what is to come but that didn't last as he heard in the mind link.

"Taehyung we are out of time" namjoon said through the link taehyung didn't understand until the other explained farther.

"They are here, the first attack is here"

Taehyung froze, he couldn't believed what he was listening. He thought there was more time. This is too soon.

He step out of his shocked stage when namjoon said through link something he feared.

"Taehyung we need your help they have just started to attack now"

Because of the mind link he heard the cries of battle some wofs if his not wrong did as they started the battle.

"I-i will come soon, we will be right there"

With that the link was off. He thought he had time to at least spend with his mate but no. now it was happening even faster then the many times it has happen.

"Hyungs you have your necklaces right" taehyung ask as he looked around until he remember where he put the others.

"Yes Tae, we always wear them.why?"
Jimin said as both he and jin where looking as the youngest was finding something.

When found it he held close to him and kisses it. It was another necklace. While he also held a few other in his other hand

"Because they will protect us"
And thats the end hope you enjoyed it. But before I say bye if you can, can you guys help once(twice's fandom) stream more&more english version which will be realesed tomorrow. You can even pre-save it on Spotify. (I couldn't find a link sorry)

Well that all byeee.

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