chapter 37

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I am thinking of making this story end someone around 45-50 chapters. So yeah guys is almost the end hopefully.

3rd POV

An as soon as the door of the door was close Jimin asked to Taehyung.

"Tae even if we don't talk like we used too, I still know when something is wrong. What happen?"

Taehyung let out a humorless laugh and nodded at what Jimin said. His bestfriend always knows whats up with him.

"So are you going to said what wrong or.." Jimin said to Taehyung serious not like how he is usually and normally.

"Its nothing really Jiminie" Taehyung responded after a few seconds. He was sitting down in a bed of the two that were in the room.

How the room is:

(Taehyung in the left and Jimin in the right)

"Tae if is was really nothing, you wouldn't be like this" Jimin said sitting in the other bed but close to were Taehyung was sitting.

Taehyung sighed, he can't hide when sometime is bothering him from his bestfriend.

"Fine may be is not completly nothing but is just dumb because I-I should know how to understand b-but I-I don't"

Jimin just listen at how in some parts his platonic soulmate voice broke and he knew it was bothering this problem more than he led to.

"Tae is it something with your mate?" Jimin finally asked. He wasn't going to lie that is kind of worrying him. Would Taehyung's mate reject him or say mean things to him. They never once talked or even glance at one another in dinner.

But he was sure if that wolf had someone hurt Tae, he will no doubt go to him and freaking beat him up no matter if he is a fucking trueblood or whatever. No one hurts his platonic soulmate.

"Jimin I know what you are thinking and yes it has some relation but not in the way you are thinking ok so no beating up no one" Taehyung said as if reading Jimin's mind.

Jimin just responded with a 'mmm'. No quite believing the other.

"Ugh fine I will tell you everything" Taehyung finally said. Taehyung loves and hates this side of Jimin because he always get him to say whats bothering him and is good but he sometimes doesn't what too.

"My mate, I have met him a few times before today and we were getting along great but now that I told all you the story he became distant and even kind of cold toward me. I try to talk to him and he says he needs time"

Jimin frown a bit and asked "whats wrong with that?"

"There is nothing wrong, he told me himself he feels overwhelmed with everything and at first I didn't understood, even now I don't complety but this has never happen before" Taehyung didn't explained farther but Jimin understood. He nodded before talking.

"He never said something like that before, has he?"

"No he has not" Taehyung replied just a little over a whisper.

"Tae he might feel too confused to understand. I mean even I don't complety undertand the whole past lifes thing but may be I do a little more then him"

Jimin paused for a moment to look at Taehyung but after seeing almost no expression, he continued.

"May be you should just give him some time like he is asking for. Is not like he said he doesn't like you being his mate.....or did he?"

Jimin asked the last part more to himself than anything.

"No no Jimin no he said the opposite actually. He said he was happy with me as his mate but again he just needs some time"

"Mmm mmm. Well may be just try to do what he says, it may not be as easy as anything else but it may even help both of you guys relationship"

"I guess so" Taehyung said looking at bit to the windows as the dark of the night he would see.

"Don't worry taetae I know every thing will be alright" Jimin assures Taehyung

"Yeah I hope so too Jiminie thanks for being there for me anytime"

"Well what are bestfriends and soulmates for" With that said Jimin when to Taehyung beds and hugs him while sitting down.

Taehyung smiles. May be it will be alright.

As he said he hates sometimes this said of Jimin but is good to open up about his problems so he wouldn't change anything about Jimin at all and he knows he is most likely the only that has seen this side of Jimin so he appreciates his bestfriend efforts to understand him even after he was being so distant over some time now.


Ok then thats all so byee

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