chapter 21

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Before the chapter stream dynamite and also I am proud of us army for breaking many records
Now into the chapter. Hope you like it.

3rd POV

"Hyungs you have your necklaces right" taehyung ask as he looked around until he remember where he put the others.

"Yes Tae, we always wear them.why?"
Jimin said as both he and jin where looking as the youngest was finding something.

When found it he held close to him and kisses it. It was another necklace. While he also held a few other in his other hand

"Because they will protect us"
End of Flashback
"What do you mean tae?" Asked a confused jimin. While Tae got the necklances and put it in a bag then turn to them.

"I can't exactly explain right now, just trust me and follow me now" he said a serious voice while looking at them.

Jin didn't know why but he felt that this was important. He didn't ask question and said "ok we will, just lead the way"

"Thank you hyungs. Now follow me" taehyung felt grateful for his hyung, he was glad he had an understanding older brother and a kind bestfriend. He smiled at jin then start heading to the exit of the hotel towards the forest running and while running changing to his wolf. V knew the situation so he went faster then ever while the two other running a little behind but still close to taehyung.
(If you guys don't remember they have a ring for when changing into their wofs they don't damage their clothes)
In the silver moon pack
(When namjoon was talking to through the mind link taehyung)

"Father what do we do?" Ask Jihyo while looking at the army just few meters apart from where they where.

"We will wait for them to make the first move but either way both you, your siblings and the rest you will not fight until it is the last resort" the head alpha said as he pinted at the youngest and the next generation of the pack.(yeri, vernon, joy, yoongi, hoseok)

"But father I am a trueblood I can fight them easily" Jungkook protested.

"I know that but no you guys will stay here if they attack gets to close only defend yourself and the pack" the alpha leader said in a serious voice.

The others even Jungkook knew they would not win against the alpha leader so they stayed quiet.

Suddenly there was a scream.

The other side just attack them. The father of yoongi, the general of the army of the pack, stood up with a sword in hand and screamed "CHARGE"

With that the battle started. The army charged with some in wolf form, other with sword, daggers and weapons used for attacks up close. While the legion of archers sent hundreds of arrows flying toward where enemy's army was.

Both brothers, Jae Woo and Joon Woo, took their swords out ready to engage in the fight. But before both said to the youngest to stay there. While they charge following the general of the army and the warrior.

"Hyung we need to help" Jungkook tried to convence Namjoon so they could fight as he was one of the oldest left but also because Jungkook looks up to his older brother and always listen to him as much as he listen to their father.

"No, you heard father don't try to convence me" Namjoon replied in a serious tone looking at jungkook then looking at the battle.

"Bu-" Jungkook tried to speak again but was cut off

"I said no"started Namjoon but continued mumbleling "they are here"

"What,who are here?" Asked a confused Yeri who barely heard what her older cousin said, the same way the others also almost didn't hear.

Thats when they heard leaves moving from behind, yoongi, Hoseok and vernon went for their swords but stopped as suddenly three wolfs where infront of them. Yoongi and one especially wolf in the right where staring intensely at each other while Namjoon and the wolf in the left where staring at eachother with the same intense feeling while the trueblood was staring at the wolf in the middle with white fur and beautiful blue eyes. The others present just looked with curiosity at the three wolfs.


And we are done with the chapter so you liked it. I hope you did. Well before I say bye help army stream dynamite to 1 billion view is our goal. Also stream boca for dreamcatcher .

Well byeee. Goodnight(well for me it is, is 1:57 am so I need to sleep byeee)

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