chapter 27

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Ok so its been more than weeks I know but I couldn't post because of school. Also let me ask you a question. Why do high school teacher leave so much homework?like for real, and why do i have two math classes and both give me homework which is like the same but Opposite like what?

Anyways here is the new chapter, hope u enjoy.

3rd POV

Flashback part 2

Luna didn't know how her sister did it but she was going to find out.

With that the curse continued every hundred years every new time they were close to win, the sun goddess always did something no one expected

In the 9 time in cycle. The sun warriors were losing even with the goddess by their side. So Sol did something no one not even the sun warriors expected

She created a new weapon for herself. A shot light, that was the name. It came from the sky and striked the wolfs. But that didn't stop there she did something so wicked, they won instantly.

The wolfs were fighting each kind of happy they were almost winning but they thought of celebration to quickly.

As shot lights came from the sky and they panicked they run so they wouldn't be strike but some were not lucky enough and lost their life.

The mates and close warrior rush to help but they couldn't fight and also be careful as they would be strike any moment.

When the omega, the moonchild saw her. His aunt, he glared and didn't care of anything. He went running to fight her as he notice she was the one who was controlling the shot lights.

As they started to fight, the other also fought the warriors.

"You can't bear to lose so you do this auntie" The omega talked with venom in his voice. The said aunt just laugh and spoke

"You will never win, NEVER" as she ends what she was saying.

She raised her hand which was not holding the spears she was fighting with.

"Say goodbye to your alpha, nephew"

The omega was confused that he turns to look at his mate fighting a couple of centaurs. When he saw it.

The shot light going directly to the trueblood. He widened his eyes.

He tried to scream at him but was to late as he saw the love of his life died infront of his eyes.


he fell to his knees. It was true that they both died in each time on the cycle but it was never infront of eachother or they escape and live to at least to 35 years old. They died because of the consecuenses of the fight.

The omega left everything he was doing and went to his mate."No no no no" he mumbled as he had the head of the trueblood in his lap, He felt broken that he almost didn't hear what his aunt the sun goddess.

"Now with this I claimed that everytime one of the mates dies the other will also died in some time and no more given back memories"

He wouldn't believed she changed the curse or well added more rules and benefics for her.

"Y-Y-You ca-can't d-do that" he said but thats when he felt it, something was happening to him.

"I just did nephew" she said and laughed as the omega fell in top of his mate as he took his breath for the last time. Both mates minutes apart died that day.

Obviously the wolfs tried to fight back even without the mates. But they couldn't win even if they had a another moonchild with them.

With that changed of the curse, it was named 'the curse of the powerful mates' but even if they were powerful, they couldn't win.

"See luna, you will never win" a voice started " I will always win"

"Not always Sol" luna replied to her older sister. As she looks up from the rock on the moon. She chained up to the moon for helping her sons but she never regretted. She would it again if she would.

"NO?" she ask mocked her sister "I Will always win, while you slowly fade away till you died baby sister" Sol gave a wicked smile to her sister. She was up in the moon just to make fun of her sister of course. Not to just visit her.

When another chain came up to luna neck now. The sun goddess was confused when she felt it.

"YOU" she started

"YES I changed the rules you made I don't care if I have to died for them to win. I will give everything up for them"

The sun goddess was angry to say the least.

"It doesn't matter they will never win" she said calmed down but she wasn't really. She vanished after saying that to her sister and went back to the earth.

Lets just said trees didn't survive her anger.

With new changes in some rules and a new addition made by the moon goddess. She hoped they would win. They need to win.

They changes were not that much but it helped. The memories from the main wolfs all wouldn't be return next time only one person will not have memories but if they don't win it the next cycle they will lose a person who has their memory again making them take away one of the person memories if they continue.

But that wasn't the only changed just in the cycle 14, Taehyung found out what the new addition to the curse. A magical gem giving by his mother which protects them from the shot lights. He was thankful for that but,

Now in the cycle 15 they will see if they can win or not once again

And thats the chapter ummm I think it might be somewhat confusing but that the end of the flashback so yeah byeee.

I have HW to do but decided to update since its been to long well for real now Byeeeee

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