chapter 4

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So guys I forgot to tell that the pictures I showed in the intro/character well thats how they look, maybe through the whole book, I don't know yet but either hope you like this chapter.


Jungkook POV

So I screw up 'what kind of brother am I.' How would I say that to my sis. And worst she still trying to comfort me.

'Aish, I am the worst twin brother in the world'

Right now I was in my chamber with my mom and Jihyo. They are comforting me becuase of the breakout I just had in my father's office.

"Jihyo noona, I am sor---" I try apologized for what I said back in the office but was cut off by her.

"No, I know you didn't mean it" she responded truthfully and sincerity in her voice.

"Bu---" I try once again.

"My little bunny, she said it was fine alright, we know you have anger issues because of your rank" my mom answered for Jihyo as she was about to say the same thing.

"But st---" I once again try to apologized as I still felt guilty for the words I said to her.

"Don't sweat it bro" stared Jihyo "but I will get my revenge in the battle field"

I smiled at that, she was always there for me and I want to be always there for her.


3rd POV

"Taehyung you being quiet for a few days now, what's wrong eh?" was question taehyung has been getting for while now. And he knows why he is being like this and how he changed from a cute,cheerful little omega to a quiet,focused omega.

He knows that, that night change everything and it will never be the same, but at least he knows what he needs to do. He just hopes they are powerful enough for he fears for the well being of the whole wolf world. For what can happen if they can't once again.

"I'm fine jin hyung" he responded.

"All right then lets go"

"Jin hyung where are we going to stay today" said an excited Jimin. Almost jumping around while looking in the trees and the beauty of where they were walking in a path going to the south.

"Well I know there is suppose to be a pack here in the south, but there is a little town of humans, so we are going to rent an hotel room in human town" answered Jin as he was leading through the woods to go to the town.

====after finding the little town=====

"Thank you,hope you like your staying"

"Thank you, we will bye" Jin answered to the girl, as he walk toward the others.

"Ok so we have two rooms and one has two beds" informed Jin as soon as he was reach toward the other pair omegas.

"So me and taetae are sharing" Jimin happily assumed.

"Lets ask first to taehyung" Jin said as he knows since a few months ago like two years ago something changed in taehyung, he right now didn't know what changed but he will at the right time talk to him about it.

Jimin pouted at that, as he wanted to be with his bestfriend and practically soulmate, platonic thought.

"So taehyung will you like to have a room to yourself or with Jimin" asked Jin to the omega staring at the view outside the hotel through the windows.

"I don't really mind either option" responded the omega that the question was too.

"T-that means h-he will stay with me right" asked a confused Jimin toward his hyung.

"Yes, Jimin hyung if you really want me too" said the omega still looking at one exact direction in the woods.

"Umm ok then it is decided let's go" Jin said as he did not know why or what was his brother was looking.


Ok so thats the end because I feel like that should be all in this but I feel that the next chapter will be more excited.
Also before anything, I wanted to say that I am really happy and excited that people are actually reading this and voting I am really grateful as I really want to focus in this story. (That didn't age well-me from the future)
I think thats all so byeee

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