Chapter 42

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Here's a chapter...

New one at last right?

I hope you enjoy and I promise I'll work on the next chapter

I swear.

3rd POV

"Yeah I guess everything is getting better" Jungkook agreed from far away as he smile.

Taehyung stare at the water on the pod while fishes where swimming around. He smiled to himself as he would finally be relaxed about what was happening to him and Jungkook.

He didn't even know how long he was there for but he soon heard some steps coming to the garden.

'is it Jungkook!?' he thought immediately.

And with that though he turned around to find a Jeon but Jeon Jungkook instead he turned to look at Jungkook's mother. The Luna of the pack slivermoon

Jeon EunJung

"Oh!" He let out and soon got up to greet her when he was dismissed with a hand as the Luna smiled at him.

"Don't worry dear, you don't need to greet like that"

Taehyung looked down and nodded.

"Did Jungkook show you this garden?" The Luna asked with curiosity in her voice.

"Ah yes. Was it bad that he did?" He responded and asked unsure of what would the Luna said.

But the Luna instead of answering, she just sat next to him.

"Mhm. No it isn't bad that he show you this. I was just asking as this is his favorite spot of the many beautiful spots in the garden"

She finally answered. Taehyung looked around and did saw more beautiful places that Jungkook could have show him but did Jungkook show him his favorite spot on purpose or was it an accident!?

"I didn't know..." He softly let out.

"Mhm. I suppose he couldn't have told you because of the distance between the two of you, right?"

Taehyung chuckled nervously at the question. He gulped and look at the water as he prepared for his answer.

"I guess, there was a misunderstanding between us?" Is was more of a question than an answer but he didn't know what to say or how to explain without saying more about the rest of the reasons.

"Mhm" EunJung let out. But suddenly she smile brightly to him, Taehyung wasn't sure why or what he did to caused such expression out of her.

"Taehyung, right?" Taehyung hums and nod one time at her to respond.

"Have you ever heard of the curse of the two powerful mates?" The Luna asked suddenly.


This send alarms to Taehyung, as no one was supposed to remember of that story. Maybe an old wolf would say they remember a legend as that but each time they died and the cycle restarts. It does not only restarts their life but also it erases them from almost everyone's memories.

A female omega who looked to be just 30s but should be around almost 40 something like Jungkook's mom, she shouldn't know about this.

"Yeah it was a story of romance in my old pack from where I am from" EunJung said as she looked at the fishes not seeing Taehyung panic that at her words starts to relax.

"An old legend then?" He asked laughing nervously as he waited for the respond.

The Luna just hums and continues to looked at the fishes. Taehyung nerves don't back down for even a second.

"You could say that but I know that story is true"

Taehyung eyes widen in fear at the last sentence.

"H-how could that be real?" He said as he wants more like needs to convince that isn't real at all cost.

"Oh so you have heard the story then?" She asked as she finally looks at him but Taehyung could just smile nervously as he nods.

"I don't know why I know so but I believe in it and I know someday or well I could like to meet them once"

"Y-you want to meet them?!" This conversation was not what Taehyung expected right after clearing things up with Jungkook.

"Mhm" was the simple response.

"W-why, they are not real?!" He let out as calmly as he could.

EunJung just shrugs her shoulders as he looks around for a bit then slowly get up from where she was sitting.

Right after she is up, she puts her hand out for Taehyung to take which he did even with fear for what she would know but as she is the mother of his mate and Luna he should not disrespect her.

Not when she has only been kind to him ever since he came to the pack. He gets up with her help and was about to say thank you when he realized how close they were (not like that people).

He looked at their hands and realized that she pulled him close so that their face where close as she looked like he was analyzing him. He didn't know what to do.

"You look like a good boy so I know you and my Kookie will have a good end. So fix things up ok?"

"Yes ma'am" he let out shakily in fear. He doesn't show fear much but he didn't know how can Jungkook's mom be this scary.

"And you will see that one day I will meet the powerful mates"

His eyes widened once again.

"I should get going now, goodbye" She said as she let him go and walked away.

"I'll see you at dinner" was the last thing he heard her say as she was out of the garden.

Taehyung let out a shaky breath as he touched his chest that rising fastly.

'V, she knows something' he knew this was an emergency and so needed to talk to his wolf.

'I know I saw it too dumbass'

'shut up this is serious!' V has problems with dealing with serious things but this was not the time for this.

'I know this is how I dealt with worrisome situations!'

'We need to talk to the others and fast' He knows this will be the best next step. They need to talk to all the one who remember by now and as soon as possible.

'I agree with you on that'

They still have time till dinner so he proceeds to what he needs to do next.


First time in forever since I have written for this book

It's been to long that I think there will be plot holes here and there but meh.

I will see if I miss anything in the next chapter but good news.

I saw a video on planning chapters instead of just writing so I'm starting to that.

Which I think it will help drastically with this book so...


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