chapter 13

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Here it is the new chapter hope you guys like it.

Namjoon POV

Finally I got in my father's office after a few tries. I never knew he put like three different locks in it to be secured.

But now i can ge------

"Did you finish, you didn't break them right?"

When I heard that I swear I almost had a heart attack and I would have drop it before I can even take it because of that.

"No but what you accomplish is scared me to death one way and thats comin------"

"I know that just sorry ok but just be careful you know that we would be in more danger if you break one or the two of them"

"I know that just don't make me nervious"

"Fine, fine but don't drop it god of destruction"

"Oh god I was hoping you forgot about  that aish just tell me when Jungkook comes back ok"

"Fine ok" he finally agrees and I am glad.

Annoying little brat I though

"I can hear that you know"

Shoot I didn't cut the link off I though once again.

"You sure did genius"

Shit with that last thought I cut the link off. And I swear I could see Taehyung rolling his eyes at me.

Now where was I? Right the plan.

I walk to my father's showcase and there they where. Two precious and unique gems.

A blue one and a red one.

I reach to get them but when as I was about to touch them, he came back.

"Did you broke them?"

"God I hate you" I pull my hand away from where it was.

"Why I am so loveable?" Taehyung said in the link

"Just shut up, I hate that you can do that whenever you want and interrupt me"

"Well I mean its not like I had a chose in my powers but this one its kind of boring. I am not going to lie"

"Then don't use it"

"Mmmmm nope"

Ughh I just cut off the link again. So annoying I hate that he have the power to interrupt every link as he pleases even though I cut the link off.

Whatever I need to finish this.

I reach once again stopping as I was about to touch the gems just in case Taehyung talks through the link again but he didn't so I get the gems out of the showcase.

I reach in my pocket and bring a little kind of box and put both gems there.

I am done now and I didn't break anything.

I wanted to celebrate but I hear a sound so I got everything how it was and went to my room as fast as I could.

When I close the door of my room, I could finally let out a sigh. I got the box and put it the nightstand next to my bed and I was about to fell to my bed when once again an annoying voice came in the link.

"Are done now?"

"Ugh shut up I want to sleep"

"Why is only 12:40 AM"

"Well because I don't get strengh at night like you do so I need sleep like everyone else does"

"Yeah I guess also kook left a second ago so yeah"

"Ok goodnight"


After I finally cut the link of I fell into the bed to sleep finally some rest.


So I guess now I know where I want the story plot to go so I think it will be easier to write chapters now. Or so I really hope.


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