Chapter 43

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Hi so...

With the Chapter planning as I mentioned in the last chapter, my ideas will not just disappear in mid air since now I will have them written down.

This is good because I couldn't do much if I didn't have an inspiration or idea of what would happen next but now I do!!

So let's just get into the new chapter alright!

3rd POV

Taehyung had to let all of the others know what was happening and so he waited for some minutes in the garden just in case of anything or if Jungkook's mother would come back again.

After he was sure she wasn't going to come back, he abruptly left the garden as he connected a mind link with everyone who knew about their own past lives.

'Guys there's an emergency!' was the first he said in the mind link.

Almost immediately Jin and Yoongi came in the mind link and both asking at the same time.

'What happen?!'

After their question, Namjoon and Jimin came on the group mind link.

'I can't say here, someone may hear'

There was always a problem with their group mind links because of their past lives and all of the others also being in the group. There was at times mistakes and they would get in the link and hear what it is said in it.

Which in the past caused panic and destroys their plans later on in their past lives.

'Where can we meet?' Jimin asked in the link.

'I know an isolated place come find me, I'm at the pack house, right now' Namjoon said in the link and everyone agreed to go to the pack house now.

Taehyung walked and walked as fast as he could and possible not showing people around them, what was going on and more.

At times he had to stop and say a word or two as people talked to him. He thinks a rumour may have gotten out that since the two out the three (Th,Jm and J) of them are mates with one the advisor of the pack and oldest of the Jeon siblings while the other is the mate of the next general of the pack.

Some people concluded that, he was going to be the next Luna. And yes at one point he thought, that because of his and Jungkook's misunderstanding he wasn't sure he was going to be.

Even if he was Jungkook's mate, but now he knew that if they survive this, in this lifetime. Yes he could be their Luna. So at that they were right and so he spoke with them nicely.

So still he was at times stop here and there because of that. He also notice how a group of girls glared at him from his back but he didn't do anything about it, even if he badly wanted too, but there was an emergency and that came first.

Soon after a few stops here and there, he finally reached the Pack house and saw that he was the last to reach it as he looked at the group in front of him, waiting for his arrival.

All of the others were already there so he just said a hi and soon all followed Namjoon as he lead them to the isolated place that he talked about the link for emergency Taehyung talked about.

After some walking with the group, they all reached an isolated place away from the pack and people.

Jimin who was looking worry for the whole walk was the one to speak first.

"What's the emergency?" He asked in worried tone as he looked at Taehyung specifically.

Taehyung open his mouth to respond but then looks around. Worried in his eyes, then to be sure no one hears.

"Jin hyung?" He called. Which the other who was addressed walk to his younger brother.

"What do you need, Tae?!"

Taehyung holds out his hand, Jin saw it and he reaches and grabs it. He assumed what the other was asking him for.

Taehyung closed his eyes and Jin follow the lead as he too closed his eyes.

Soon after, from their hands started to shine a light blue and became a little orb of light that goes up a few feet after a second.

Both moonchild's opened their eyes as soon as the orb becomes a ward around all of them in light blue. The moonchild's eyes were the same color but after a few seconds the protection ward becomes invisible as the brothers eyes became their own eye color.

"This has to be important if you are putting a barrier around us?" Yoongi asked as he saw how Taehyung looked worry because of something.

"It is" He responded at his hyung's question.

"Then what is it, Taehyung?" Namjoon asked as he walked closer to his mate and his mate's brother.

"Jungkook's mom knows something that she shouldn't!"

The others expression became one of confusion. Jimin looked at his best friend and asked what everyone was thinking.

"What do you mean?"

"She knows of the powerful mates story!" He said fast as more stress and worry came to him as he thought of the many possibilities that her knowing would this would caused.

The other's eyes widened in shock. Jin and Yoongi soon shake their head and now knew why the youngest of them was so worry.

"B-but Tae, there has never been one person who has known that?!" Jimin was panicking inside as he didn't know what this meant for them, as he worried if the same thing is going to happen as before.

He doesn't want them to die again and he doesn't want to see his mate be tortured again in this lifetime. He couldn't go through that again...

"I know so that's the emergency! We need to be careful around the Luna of the pack as we don't know how much she knows and what she would do!"

"How did you find this out?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Taehyung with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Me and Jungkook were in her garden and after he left she came and asked me if I knew about the powerful mates and later..."

"Later what, Tae!?" Jin asked with worry.

"Later said that I would see how she will meet them, the powerful mates and I told that was a legend and tried to tell her it wasn't true but she couldn't listen!"

In Taehyung's tone of voice show how scared he was with what was happening. He didn't want to have any more problems, not when he had to deal with his aunt already.

"You tried at least! Don't panic Tae" Namjoon said as he puts a hand on the other's shoulder.

They all have been through a lot but even then Taehyung had always acted strong and never scared so it was worrisome at first at how worry the other was in their mind link from before.


"We can't do anything but to be careful around her from now on okay? She may know things but we still have one goal and that is defeating Aunt sol" Jin let out fast as he also like his mate puts a hand on the other's shoulder.

Taehyung would only look at his brother and his brother's mate in relief as he saw their support.

"Don't forget about us too Tae!" Jimin said as he walk closer to the other to hold the other's arm.

"Yeah we will try everything to win this time and I know we will come on top this time" Yoongi let out as he smiled at him.

In Taehyung's expression came a smiled as he saw the other support for him and for their situation.


So that's all for this update hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Until next time and now I just telling you guys every Friday there will be an update on the book.


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