chapter 29

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See now I am taking time to post once a week. I mean its only the second week but still. It's pogress.


"Are you guys ok and I swear if Jungkook went to Fi----- who are you?"

3rd POV

Everything and everyone went quiet as the alpha leader and his brother came in to the room.

"So is no one going to answer now" Jae Woo said because no one answered his brother's question.

"Jae Woo they will explain no need to be mad, now who are you three?" Joon Woo said calming down his brother and talking in a more calmer way.

"D-dad they are wolfs that came to help?" Namjoon said more like a question then an answer but the alpha leader and his brother didn't seen to notice the hesitantion.

Joon Woo hummed

"What are your names?" He ask no one in expecific.

"Umm I am Kim Seokjin the oldest one from the three and your oldest son mate" Jin answered since Taehyung wasn't really paying attention as he looked towards Jungkook who seen to be avoiding his eyes and Jimin, Jin could feel his discomfort in the place and with the people also being stared at by an alpha who he(Jimin) didn't know.

"Mate?" Jae Woo asked surprised he didn't expected that with his brother being shocked too. Jin just nodded.

"Son you found your mate? When?" Joon Woo asked getting out of his shocked state.

"Emm its hard to explain" Namjoon said

"Umm I'm Park Jimin" Jimin interrupted bowing in a respectful manner as he thought it would take the others to long to explain.

"Oh nice to meet you Jimin, and who are you son?"the alpha leader said to him and the last question was for taehyung still kind of looking at Jungkook.

"Oh I'm kim Taehyung your other so----------" Taehyung try to said but was cut off by no other than Jungkook his mate.

"Father I didn't fight I was with the hyungs the whole time and they help us didn't you see?"

Taehyung was confused on why Jungkook cut him off but didn't said anything about just made a frown that was in his face for a few seconds.

"Oh really what rank are you guys, surely a beta or a strong alpha to defeat such army" Jae Woo said.

The three became uncomfortable with that question as people think omegas in general are "weak" even more male omegas and is thought that  thats why they are almost extint.

"Umm we don't want to answer that" Jin said uncomfortable with the question.

The brothers frowned at that but decided not to push it.

"From which pack are you from then?" Joon Woo asked

"We are loner wolfs" Taehyung said.

"Oh wow, well since you have help us will mind if we invite you to stay a few nights here in our pack. We promised not to do anything you three don't like" Joon Woo invite them as a thank you for what they done.

"And I meant Jin, your namjoon's mate. You can stay with him here then you guys will decide if you guys will live here or not so?" He continued trying to make them stay for a while.

"Um sure we would stay for a few days" Jin hesitantly said not really sure about it but he would not might staying with his Joonie while he can.

"Great we are going to prepare the room and Jin would you like to stay with Namjoon or do you want anything in expecific " Joon Woo asked smiling at their guests

"I guess I can stay with Jooni-- I mean namjoon and I don't know Jimin would you and taehyung stay in a room or one for each" Jin asked the last question to his little brothers.

"I can stay with Taehyung I don't mind" Jimin said to him as a response.

"Great we will have everything ready" Joon Woo said.

They didn't even ask for Taehyung opinion as he didn't asnwer and was in deep thought.

'Did kookie cut me off intentionally or is my mind making things dramatic and why can namjoon and jin hyungs stay together while I can't with kookie'

And done with the chapter a little drama is about to start may be even a fight who knows right well I do anyways thanks for reading see you guys next week.


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