chapter 1

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Ok before I start the story let me say that I have not copied no one but if it there is a similarity to a different story then either I did not noticed or I was inspire by it. Ok now lets start. Also, I will try to make pretty big chapters not to short.


In the middle of the woods, in a training area close to a big house, and village of houses. Stood a boy and a girl with a sword in hand for each one of them.

"You are not winning." said the girl as she defended the attack the boy made.

"Yeah watch me." replied the boy challenging the girl. Going to attack her once again.

"Okay okay, enough practice for today." said an older man that came into the training area.

Both boy and girl stopped fighting and turned to bow to the elder, saying "Father" at the same time, greeting their father.

The older man smiled at them.

"You know you guys are the best fighters in the pack, yet you still want to compete with each other" said the elder looking closely at them.

"Well not my problem is that my sis is still salty, I always win" said the boy, rolling his eyes at his sister.

"Wanna bet" said the sister, a little mad that his brother was saying he was always the winner when they fought together.

"Yeah a be--" started the boy but stopped as another male came into view in the training area.

"Yah, stop fighting alright, you both are excellent" started the new male that came from inside the big house.

"Jihyo you are great at defense and close combat and more, while you Jungkook are great at offense and great with archery and more things. So please stop competing" the male finished. 

"Yes namjoon hyung/oppa" said both Jungkook and Jihyo. Looking down, feeling bad for their older brother, as he is always fixing their mess and always stopping the fight between the brother and sister.

"Thank you Namjoon" said the father looking at his oldest son, smiling at him.

"Of course father" responded Namjoon while smiling a bit back at his father.

"I also came here to say that your mate is here sweetie and that I need to talk in private with you kook" informed the elder to his daughter and asked his son.

"Yes! Finally I can get out without my twin brother coming with me and go with Dan,” said Jihyo excitedly, putting the sword she had in hand where it goes. Leaving the area, going into the house without forgetting to say "bye dad, bye Namjoon oppa and little bro" while kissing her father cheek. She even waved a bit when she turned around to look at them once again.

"Tell Daniel I said hi" said Namjoon, happy his little sister is happy with her mate. While sad at how his little brother reacted as he saw him sigh as he knows how much he wants a mate too. Equal to him.

An "Ok!" was heard from inside the house and steps would be hardly heard by now.

"Come on Jungkook" the father ordered leaving the training area straight away  walking towards the big house where his office is at.

"Yes Father" replied the son looking down.

Namjoon grab the sword from his hand and said softly. 

"I'll put it back, just go"

"Thanks hyung" replied the boy who had a sad expression while he walked behind his father at a slower pace. While the other male smiled sadly feeling bad for his little brother.


Jungkook POV 

"As you know son, soon after your and your sister's birthday that is coming up, you will take the role of pack leader or alpha" said my father or also known as the present alpha leader of the pack.

"But father I have yet to me---" I started to protest but was interrupted by my father.

"I know that you do need to meet your mate but there is nothing I can do, the elders want you to become the pack leader at age of 20"

"But w-why can't hyung be pack---"

"You know why Jungkook" said Namjoon as he came into the office of father in the middle of our talk.

"B-b-but is not my fault to be a true blood" I still tried but still it didn't work even with my shaky voice I still tried but it never worked...

"Son, I know that but you are the first trueblood in the last 200 hundred years" replied father, a sentence he has said to me a thousand times before. It's like it has always been a reminder to follow the elders' plans, no matter how I felt.

"So, I will need a luna to be my side" I practically scream then realized, I had lost my temper and shouted at my father and even older brother and I  immediately regret it.

"I-I'm sorry--" I tried to say but was cut off easily.

"Jungkook I know you are sorry but please control your anger" said father

I look down at my feet as I responding to him "Yes father"

"I think that was all, I must go to different meetings" father said looking at me with sad eyes.

"Fath--" I tried to call but he went out the door of his office, while hyung looked at me.

"Come namjoon" we both heard from outside.

"Hyung please---" I tried with hyung. Maybe he can understand. 

But he just shook his head and went out the door looking sad. I look down feeling tears in my eyes and soon feeling them going down my face.

Why can they understand? I never wanted to be a trueblood, to take my hyung's place as alpha leader.

I just want my mate. Where are you mate?


Ok that was kinda sad first chapter but other than that hope you are liking the story so far and vote for more alright see you next chapter byee.

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