chapter 12

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New chapter now I am updating better right. Well anyway hope you like it. Also thanks for 100+ votes and 13 followers.❤❤❤❤
Namjoon POV

After reuniting with Taehyung I went back to the house carefully so if Jungkook is awake doesn't know I went and followed him.

Thank god. Jungkook either didn't hear or was already asleep.

Tomorrow is going to be a long day that's for sure.

3rd POV

When morning came Namjoon did everything he needed to do that whole day because he wanted to be free if Taehyung mind link him at a wrong time.

So when he did everything was done.

Taehyung mind linked him saying:
"Meet me at the human town close to the restaurant call bangtan cafe"

So thats what he did after getting ready Namjoon left the pack without anyone knowing anything.

When he arrive at the town he looked and asked around to find the cafe. Even sometimes some girls even guys went up to him to flirt.

But Namjoon is a taken man so he naturally rejected them in a nice way though.

While walking around he felt a stare on him but he though it was probably another person trying to flirt with him but wasn't as brave as the rest of the humans.


Finally Namjoon found the cafe they were suppose to meet. He didn't even had to look around for the other as the silver hair could be seen a mile away.

"Finally I have been waiting for almost an hour" The other said as soon as Namjoon took a Seat.

"Sorry" Apologized Namjoon grabbing the menu to atleast order something.

"Meh" was the response given with Taehyung also grabbing another menu on the table.

"So what is the plan since we are in a different location and they others don't know a thing." Namjoon when straight into the point.

"Well I have a plan but with your brain we will fix some stuff" Taehyung started, while namjoon nodded "so the plan is......."

Skip time

"So we agreed" Taehyung said or more asked namjoon as he finish his piece of cake he order while still talking to Namjoon.

"Yes" Namjoon said as he took a sip from his drink he ordered.

"Then you know the next step" Taehyung said making sure of the plan.

The other just nodded and started to get his wallet to pay for the things they bought.

"I will have to go now hyung but I'll see you later ok and thank you for paying" taehyung said smiling at the end.

"Yeah ok bye tae " namjoon said goodbye while putting the money in the table.

Taehyung walked out the door thinking that mom was right about choosing namjoon as the first one

Soon everything will be okay

Soon hopefully.

Namjoon POV

After the meeting with Taehyung I knew what to do and what was the next step so hopefully nothing goes wrong.


Jungkook POV

Ah its feels like it has been days since I have seen taehyung but its only been a few hours. I mean I miss him I know a lot more about him now. I know that he is a loner wolf which I don't mind, that he has a brother and that he lives with and his bestfriend, that his favorite color is purple .......... he never told me his favorite color......... how do I know that ...

I don't think much about it and just told myself its because we are mates and that let us know more about each other.

A sigh left my lips as I think soon I will see him again and may be ask him to see if he would like to meet my family or may be I am going to fast.
Well I don't know. We will just have to see.

========skip till midninght========

Namjoon POV

Since we had to do the first step of our plan. I needed to know if Jungkook left and when I saw him going to the woods i knew I had little to an hour to do it and finish step 1.

So first things first I got up from my bed and it was difficult as it seem like it was calling my name but I got to be strong.

So I put my head out of my room to the hall to see if there was something there but there was nobody. Thank god.

Now lets start.

I was about to walk when a voice scared the heck out of me.

"Did you got it already?"

I realized it was taehyung in the mind link.

"You scared me and no I am getting them right now"

"Oh ok ok. Oh kook just came he looks------"

"Don't" with that I shut the link off.

And went with what I needed to do.


Soo I know people might skip this but like I just recently found out me and my family are moving soooo idk if that might stop my updates but yeah.


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