chapter 6

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Hey guys before the chapter I just wanted to say thank you for reading this book it means a lot really that just in about two weeks this book is over 100 views/reads so thank you for reading this. Now lets just get into the chapter, hope you enjoy.

3rd POV


The omega walk to the lake looking straigh to him even though he was in human form and not wolf form.

Jungkook wanted and try to talk but words could not get out. But suddenly he hears a voice in his head through a mind link.

Hello mate

Before Jungkook would say anything the white wolf dive straight into the water. Jungkook runs to the edge of the lake as close as he can.

He just sees his own reflection

Where is he?

Jungkook looks around and really closely to the lake.

He wouldn't believed he just meet his one fated mate but he lost him as soon as that.

"Where is he?" murmured jungkook in low voice
"What are you doing? trying to find me." a voice talked behind him.

Jungkook as soon as he hears that he turns around to find an ethereal boy with gray/silver hair and those beautiful blue eyes.

Jungkook as soon as he hears that he turns around to find an ethereal boy with gray/silver hair and those beautiful blue eyes

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( A/N thats his eye color)

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( A/N thats his eye color)

It's not just in wolf form(his eyes color)

Jungkook though. He once again try to talk but the words wouldn't come out he was in shock.

How can someone be so beautiful ?

And how is he so lucky?

Were his thoughts and more inside his head.

While Jungkook was deep in though. The omega looks at him from feet to head.

Is like a reflection of the -----

"H-hi" were the only think that came out of Jungkook, he face palmed himself in his mind.

'Way to be stupid while meeting your mate'
'Well you aren't wrong'
'Shut up Jk'
'Aish whatever'

Jungkook talked to his wolf.

"Hey, hey kook can you stop talking to Jk please"

He hears then realised he was infront of his mate but he looks that he moved closer to him .

"Wa-wait how do you kn-----"

"I just do"

"But my wol-------"

"Yes I also know your wolf name" how could he know Jungkook thought

"But how?"

"Aish you are still the same" Jungkook's mate started then continued "but I am glad that you haven't change"
When he finish his sentence, he smiled.

"What do you mean I have't change, I-I have always been like this" said a confused Jungkook

"Don't worry about it kookie"

"Koo-kookie" asked Jungkook as no one except his mom call him that and well his sister. But he doesn't let his hyung or his friends call him that but hearing from his mate sounded so sweet that he wanted to hear it again

"Yes kookie, your mine kookie" his mate came and touch Jungkook face. He froze at the touch.

"Mmm" mumbled Jungkook as he gently grabs his mate hands and said "although I like, like really like how you are but your going a little to fast. And you know my name, nickname even my wolfs name however I don't have a clue was yours" he said that while separaring himself from his mate touches. Even though he did wanted to let his mate touch him because it felt like sparks went through his body when it happen.

He looks at his mate when the other sighs.Then said
"I think you do know what's my name?"

"I-I don-don't"

"Try" mumbled his mate which confused him but he still tried.

"Mmm t-tae-"

"Come on you almost there" His mate said ensuering him.

"Taehyung, kim taehyung"


Ummm idk how I feel about this chapter idk I don't really like it but it goes with the plot on my head that I have. Also I just made this like two hours ago so like it's made fast so forgive my spelling mistakes but other then that byeee. Have a good day.

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