partridge, as in the bird?

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p.s I am not making fun of him what so EVER


attractive or quaint. or in other words charming and old-fashioned

I ran between platforms 9 and 10 with my mother beside me. I could see all the scrawny first years hugging their parents and people getting on the Hogwarts Express with their trunks and owls hooting noisily. I immediately went to find Draco on the train after my mother says her goodbyes and leaves.

-skip to sorting-

We all sat down at our house table (Slytherin of course) with Draco to my left and Blaise to my right with Crabbe and Goyle in front of us. Everyone in the great hall was talking so loudly so you could barely hear yourself think until Dumbledore spoke up. "SILENCE!" he bellowed earning everyone's attention. Then Professor McGonagall spoke up.
"When I call your name you will come forth and I shall place the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" she calls out to all the first years who all looked anxiously up at her.

She called all the names one by one. I slumped in my seat almost falling asleep from the boredom of watching kids trying on a manky hat and skip off to their house tables. "And last but not least... ----, Partridge". I looked up to see the final kid get sorted. but this kid wasn't a first year! He looked the same age as me! I thought he must be a new transfer student. I didn't hear his first name but I heard his last name, 'Partridge'. Huh. What an odd last name. It's just like the partridge bird. From afar I see a boy walk up and sit down waiting for the sorting hat to be placed on his head. He had dark brown fluffy hair and hazel eyes from what i could see. The sorting hat was placed on his head "Smart, veryyy smart, hot-headed for sure but very honest, you have a lot of courage and daring I see, cunning and shows leadership and ambition, very interesting, but where to put you?.....better be... Gryffindor!!" The sorting hat calls out and the Gryffindor table erupted in cheering and applause. The boy walked quickly down and sat down with the trio (Harry, Ron and Hermione) with his back facing me. With the sorting finished i began to tuck into some delicious chicken drumsticks that had appeared on the table. "So y/n, how was your break?" Blaise asked turning to me. I smiled a little before replying. " It was ok I guess. My parents annoyed me a lot though" I said rolling my eyes. He laughed and patted my back.  "Don't all parents, but it's ok now you have us again." he said smiling softly. He knew my parents got drunk a lot and then they got mean. You would think Blaise is all mean and tough from the way he acts around other people but he has a soft spot for me, not in that way but in a friendly way. We think of each other as siblings. He's like my big brother. "So the new kid ay? His last-name is Partridge HA" Draco said looking at us. Blaise and i nodded."Partridge, as in the bird?" Crabbe said stuffing his face with an iced chocolate cupcake. Blaise and I started laughing loudly. quite a few people looked around at us in bemusement but we didnt even notice. We laughed at both the 'Partridge' name and Crabbe's full cheeks making him look like a chipmunk at a childrens birthday party. I looked over my shoulder to see Harry, Ron, Hermione and the boy gawking at us with raised eyebrows which somehow made me laugh even more. Let me just say my ribs were aching after all this.

The prefects began to lead the first years to their house common rooms so while I was out wandering in the corridors I came across Millie."Hey Millie, how are you?" I said with a big smile on my face, which she returned. "Hi y/n, I'm good how are you?" she replied in her soft sweet voice. "Oh I'm good, have you met the new student?" I replied. Her smile gets bigger. "Oh yeah I have, why?" she said smirking slightly. I catch on to what she means and I shook my head frantically. "No, no Millie I was just wondering!" I said in a panicked voice. She laughed. "I'm only teasing! Calm down y/n!" she said with a giggle. Then Finn and Noah came up to us. Finn had a big smile on his face when he saw me. He stood beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Let's play titanic, you'll be the ocean and ill go down on you." he whispered in my ear. I looked at the grin on his face and hit him on the arm making him to wince a little in pain. I laughed.  "Let me tell you, When I saw you, I lost my tongue. Can I put yours in my mouth?" he said but this time out loud. We all laugh because we know Finn loves stirring me up. I playfully rolled my eyes and saw Draco walking around the corner with Crabbe and Goyle. My eyes widened and I turned to Finn, Millie and Noah.  "I'm being mean to you, ok?" I say quickly.                "What?" they say looking confused. "Draco's coming ok. If he asks what youre doing say I am being mean." I say and they nod, acting sad with their heads down as I start saying mean stuff to them. Draco walked by and smirked at me when he heard what I'm said to them. He turned the corner and I apologized to them as I kiss Finn's cheek and hug Millie and Noah before walking  away to my common room.

Edited by Allegra (AmysBestFriend on wattpad)

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