'ew no'

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-Louis' POV-

well I was going to say something to y/n but noo, Draco just had to come in

"you need to stop man, how many time do I have to tell you she. doesn't. like. you. she never will, ain't that right Tozier (or y/l/n)?" he said, I could feel his smirk while looking at me as I looked down, I look up slightly and see Y/n slightly nod her head 'yes' "see? anyway, Y/n wanna go to the yule ball with me?" Draco asked Y/n, my eyes went wide as I heard him ask her that, damn "I'm so sorry Draco, I don't really want a date to the Yule ball, but you should ask Pansy, we all know she has a thing for you" She says to him with an apologetic smile, I laugh internally, he rolls his eyes and walks away, and I fully lift my head up and see Y/n smiling at me but the smile drops and see moves her hands quickly I hear a mumbling voice and I feel myself fall back and everything went black.

-Normal POV (you)-

"DRACO!" I screech to the boy who had just stupefied Louis, he laughs and walks away with Crabbe, Professor McGonagall sees and rushes to Louis and asked me what happened, I told her in a panic "Dracostupifiedhim" I say in a rush, she nods and dismisses the class, I kneel next to Louis unconscious body, his face is white like snow, I put my hand on his cheek and McGonagall then comes back to me and Louis body "well, I'll get the nurse, you go get some food, it's lunch" she says to me, I slowly shake my head not breaking the gaze I have on Louis's body, she pats my shoulder "he'll be fine by tomorrow, I promise Tozier (or y/l/n)" she reassured me, I looked down losing my gaze on Louis' body, I nod and slowly get up, I dust off my robe and walk away not looking back just incase I run back to him. I sit in the great hall talking to fleur Delacour and her friends because I didn't wanna see Draco.

-next day-

I sit with Hermione in front of the big lake, we hear squealing, giggles and small little voices coming closer, we both look up and see tons of girls following Victor Krum while he exercises, he looked over at Hermione making her blush like a tomato.

After a bit a say goodbye to Hermione and go to the hospital wing to check if Louis is awake yet, I've checked up 5 times since he got in the hospital yesterday, is that too much? I don't think so.

-Louis' POV-

I open my eyes and squint my eyes as it's really bright, I look around and notice that I'm in the hospital wing and I see a nurse walking towards me "oh thank god you're awake, the girl will be so happy to hear this!" she cheered softly "what, who!?" I ask wondering who would want to visit me while in the hospital, she smiles "you're girlfriend, uhm, miss Tozier (or y/l/n), she's been over here to check up on you about 5 times, she's been so worried about you" she implied handing me a drink which I know is NOT pumpkin juice "she's not, my girlfriend" I corrected her sheepishly, she cocked an eyebrow "I think you should tell her that, dear" she replied and walked away, I hear the big door open and close "Louis!" I hear a voice call out and I turn and see Y/n running towards me, a big smile forms on my face as I see her face, she stands beside me rubs my cheek "how you feeling?" she asked me putting her arm back to her side "do you think we're a couple?" I asked ignoring her question, she shot her head towards me "sorry, what!?" she yelled quietly not wanting to bother the people around us "I mean- do you think we're...together, like do you see me as your boyfriend" I explained more clearly, she looks at me with an amused confused face "why do you say that?" she giggled with wide eyes, I look at her in the eyes, I go to say why but I cut myself off, looking at the ground beside me "nothing" I said sheepishly, she giggled and sat on my bed at my feet "no I do not think of you as my boyfriend, do you see me as your girlfriend?" she responded with a smirk, I lick my lips in embarrassment, I look at her "ye-no no ew no, no, no, no ew" I say quickly, I see her eyes widen "wow" she says clicking her tongue "wow what?" I ask her confused, she looks at me then back at the ground "no no ew no, no, no, no ew" she said sitting up better "what?" I say not remembering that's what I said "that's what you said, you said I'm 'ew'" she said nodding slowly 'wait, no I didn't call you ew, I meant dating you would be" I explain really fast "and that makes it better!?" she says annoyed, I look up from the ground realising what I said but "why do you care that I said that" I say not thinking, she stands up and looks at the door "oh no reason, just didn't expect you to say 'no no ew no, no, no, no ew'" she replied and walked off, out of the hospital wing.

well fuck

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