'y/n this isn't you'

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-Louis' POV-

I got out of the hospital wing and I went around the school to find Y/n but I couldn't, she was no where and there was no way I could possibly go into the other common rooms, and there would be no possible way that I could get in the Slytherin common room, that will never happen, I found, Finn, Millie and Noah sitting down by a tree talking to one another, looking like they are having fun "hey guys.." I say to them, the look up at me and smile "hey Louis" they all greet me warmly, I sit down next to Finn with Noah and Millie in front of us "so have you guys asked anyone to the Yule ball?" Finn asked with a smirk, I saw Millie blush but she looked down, Noah smiled and nervously laughed "Millie and I are going together" Noah beamed with a bright smile on his face, Finn nods and spoke "I'm thinking about asking Y/n, but as friends of course" he says, I smiled but then stopped realising what he said, I gulped, what is going on with me, am I dying! no Louis stop, you're not dying "oh, um c-co-cool" I stutter, Finn smirks at me and nudges my shoulders "I'm only joking, she's all yours Louis, but that won't stop me from flirting with her in a friendly way" he says eagerly, I smile at the ground but quickly look up "um- ye-no, she's not mi-mine, I do-don't own h-her" I stutter again, I look down sheepishly fiddling with me fingers, Finn laughs, and so do the others "do you always stutter?" Millie asks jokingly, I roll my eyes "anyway, Louis ask her to the Yule Ball" Noah says to me "ask who?" I ask playing dumb, he rolls his eyes and the other two laugh "Y/n" "Y/n" we say at the same time, I only said it because I saw her walking in the corridor from afar, Noah looks confused, well they all do but look over to where I had my gaze to "oooo" the teased nudging me, I feel my face heat up, in embarrassment....right? yea, why else "go talk to her dude, go ask her to the Yule ball" they encouraged me pulling me to stand up "fine, fine, ok, ok geez" I say fixing my robe, I start to walk to her quickly as she was almost out of my sight, I speed walk around the corner where I saw her walk to.

Out of the blue I get pulled into a classroom, why does this happen so much to me? "why are you following me" an voice called, so familiar, I look around the room but didn't see anyone in my sight, there was a cough coming from the entrance of the room, I turn around, Y/n "you good, Partridge?" she asked seeming worried, I took down at her hand to see her holding her wand, I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, I see a smirk curl on her lips "Y/-n wh- what are- you do-doing" I stutter walking back, her walking towards me until I hit the bookshelf, she stops in front of me with a big smirk "Y/n what are do-doing?" I repeat to her, but she doesn't move, she gets closer with her wand at my neck, what do I do what do I doooo, I put my hand on her cheek and rub her jaw with my thumb, her gaze on my eyes harden as I do so, I look into her eyes and smile weakly "please stop, Y/n this isn't you. please put your wand down" I plead as she digs her wand into my neck.

a/n- so sorry for the short chapter, I have been busy with my school assignments and stuff, I will try to do another one tomorrow as I get back from school earlier than usual byeee

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