Triwizard champion

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a/n- please don't judge me if I get Fred and Georges lines mixed up.

"go on Cedric, put it in" (ignore how dirty that sounds) people yell and push him into the ring to put his name in the goblet of fire. I was sat beside Hermione watching what was going on, Cedric puts his name in the goblet of fire and everyone cheers, I see Ron try to say hi to him but Cedric didn't see him "Eternal glory, it would be brilliant, wouldn't it?" I hear Ron as Harry "three years from now, when we're old enough to be chosen." He added as they walked around "yeah, rather you than me!" Harry responds with, then everybody starts clapping "HAHA! Yessss" Fred and George yell running into the big room holding a bottle of something "Thank you thank you, well lads we've done it." George announces to everyone "Cooked it up just this morning." Fred says in a slight accent "It's not going to work." Hermione says dragging out the 'o' in work "Oh yeah? And why's that Granger?." Fred says standing behind the girl You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." Hermione explained to the two "So?" Fred questioned not caring about what could happen So a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a dodge as pathetically dimwitted such as an aging potion." Hermione Explained shutting her book and patting it on her lap "That's why it's so brilliant." Fred says to her "because it's so pathetically dim-witted" George said as Hermione looked at them both turning her head "Ready Fred?" George said to Fred "Ready George" Fred replied to his twin brother. they shake the bottles up and twist their arms together "bottoms-up" they say drinking whatever was in the bottles . They jump in the age line and wait a second "YESSS" they both call out earning cheers from everyone "ready?" they asked each other then nod, putting their names in the goblet, they wait a second "YESS" the cheer and do a high-five. The flame fires up and they're flung across the room onto the floor. When they get up they have full heads of grey hair and beards. "You said.." Fred said pointing at George "You said.." George said pointing at Fred, They roll around fighting on the floor and the crowd cheer. "fight. fight. fight. fight. fight. fight. fight" everyone yell, including me. The room suddenly becomes silent as Viktor Krum walks in and puts his name in the flame. I saw that He looked at Hermione and she smirked.

"sit down, please" Dumbledore says as everyone is standing up, walking around in the room, everyone quiets down while sitting down according to the schools "now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champion selection" he yells out and holds his hands out making the fire around the room dim down to make it dark, he steps towards the goblet, touching it and slowly walk away from it, the blue flame slowly turning a vibrant hot pink colour as we watch a parchment flew out of the goblet, Dumbledore catches it and reads it out "The Durmstrang champion is Victor Krum" and Cheers followed after as Victor stands up and Shakes his hand then soon following in the direction Dumbledore points him to, the flame turned pink again and out came another parchment, he reads it aloud "the campion of Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour" he calls and again, Everybody cheers, she stands up and walks toward Dumbledore, firmly shaking his hand while standing tall, she then walks in the direction he points to, the last parchment flies out of the goblet and he reads it aloud "the Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory" he calls and loud cheers eco in my ear, he walks up and Dumbledore pats him on the back as he walks to where he points, I can see Louis standing up, clapping while smiling, he notices me looking at him and gives a small wave, I smile and turn away "Excellent, we now have our three champions, but in the end, only one will go down in history, only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory, the Triwizard cup" he announces and Claps fill the air, we all then see Dumbledore Turn to the Goblet and we turn our heads to see the flame turn pink again, the big flame, bigger than the others then shoots out a parchment, he reads it "Louis Partridge?" he mumbles confused, he looks around trying to find him "Louis Partridge!" he calls out again and we all turn our heads to look at him, he slowly sits down in confusion, I see Hagrid shake his head saying 'no' "LOUIS PARTRIDGE!" Dumbledore yells out, I turn to look at him seeing Hermione Lift him out mumbling something, she then pushes his hesitantly to make him start walking, Louis slowly starts walking up to Dumbledore, stopping in front of him, Dumbledore hands him the parchment, he reads it and looks up confused, the room is silent as he walks in the direction that the three others did "He's a cheat!" a voice yells out "he's not even seventeen yet" another one calls, when he gets to professor McGonagall pats him on the shoulder giving him a weak smile.

-Louis POV-

what. the. actual. fuck?.

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