'why do I care so much?'

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I couldn't find him anywhere so I just decided to leave it since maybe he wanted some alone time you 'know so I just went to the common room and drifted off to sleep and besides there's only one more month left in 3rd year then break so yeah

a/n- yes the end of the school year because I went off from the movie doing most of the scenes and there are no more important ones so yeah

-skip to break cause I'm lazy, sorry-

I've gone a month without talking to louis, sure I've seen him walking past but none of us dared to talk to one another, I shouldn't care about it anyway, which I don't. I do not care hence why I am not talking to him, before heading to the train I talk to Draco, Crabbe and Goyle "so Tozier (or y/l/n) what are you doing in the break" Draco asked, bloody hell I wanna say the truth which is that ill be spending as much time as possible away from my parents but I can't because then he will think less of me thinking I have a horrible life back at home which is correct but you 'know can't tell him that anyway I snapped back into reality and answered him "um you 'know just chilling at home, probably going out to shop for some stuff" I replied with, it's not wrong, I will probably be chilling, just not at home, and I will be going shopping, I know that for a fact. he nodded his head and started walking with his little but big goons leaving me to pack my last little bag, I heard a little knock at my door and I turn to see Blaise, I haven't seen him in ages, he clears his throat and walked closer as I gestured him to "I just wanna say sorry, I shouldn't have punched the Partridge kid, it was wrong of me to do since I know you like him" he said sighing, I slap my head and take a deep breathe "why does everyone think I like him! omg I don't I would neve like him and besides he's a Gryffindor" I rolled my eyes and he looked somewhat relieved "oh thank the lord for that, I was starting to get worried about you thinking what was wrong with you? why would she like a bloody Gryffindor, I mean come on that crazy" he laughed, I joined him, it is crazy , me? and a Gryffindor HA it is funny even thinking about it.

We waited as the train came to a stop in front of us, making the irritating screech noise I hate, I was standing next to Blaise while talking waiting for the people in front of us to get on.

once we found a carriage to sit in we put all of our luggage above us and got comfortable, only me and Blaise were in the carriage seen as Draco's was full, mostly because of pansy sitting next to him taking up a lot of room as her legs were on the seats next to her, I rest my head on Blaise's as I was tired, I do this all the time to him, he doesn't mind at all, I look out the door and see Louis walking past probably trying to find somewhere to sit, then I see Finn and Noah behind him, I smile slightly "what are smiling about Y/n?" Blaise asked chuckling "oh nothing just remembering how louis uh, how I was Louis's Boggart" I laughed and he joined me until there was a knock at our carriage, we turned our head to see Finn with Noah, Millie and Louis behind him, he opened the door and looked up as he was looking at his feet "um can we uhm, sit here the uh, the rest are full?" he stuttered, sorry what, Finn bloody stuttered, I've never seen him somewhat nervous because I know him as a confident and flirtatious, I look at Blaise and shrug, he scrunches his nose and then looks back up at the Ravenclaw boy "sure, uh come in and sit down I guess" he said and they all looked shocked, Blaise rolls his eyes and they hesitantly sit down, Millie next to me, Louis in the corner in front of Blaise and Noah closest to the door which means Finn is in front of me, it was silent for a while as no one had anything to say, I look over at Noah to see him uncomfortable, of course he is, he hates silence because it makes him uncomfortable, poor Noah he must be having a bad time not talking wait 'why do I care so much?' I thought.

a/n- sorry for the short chapter but I wasn't gonna post today but I did so yeah

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