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"I know what I said" I smirk at her, I hear her gulp and slightly whimper with a slight shake in her body

-Louis' POV-

"louis are you ok?" she trembles pulling up the cover, holding it in her grasp

"yeah, I am totally fine" I reply

"are you, you look a little out of weather, you feeling sick lately?" I ask lowly

"ye-ah, I'm totally fine, now will you get out of my room" she asks politely, I shake my head disappointedly

"no sorry I can't do that" I sigh, she closes her eyes and seems to take a deep breathe

"that wasn't an ask it was a demand" she says calmly

"oh I know! but what makes you think I'll listen to you" I quiz, I could see the anger and annoyance in her facial expression

"just get out! NOW" she yells making me flinch ever so slightly

"feisty I like that" I smirk at her, I don't think she gets it,

-3rd person POV-

A song can make or ruin a persons day if they let it get to them. and in this case, for Y/n it was ruin, but it probably ruined her whole week as she will look back at this exact time in the next couple days

(the song at the top is what he played, I chose it because it literally gives me chills, the song is Daisy but strange U)

"Louis please turn that off" the girl begged after it repeated for the second time

"why? do you not like it?" the strange boy in front of her sighs

"oh y-yeah I totally li-like it, it's just ann-oying after a b-bit" she stutters out cuddling her blanket

"like I said before don't be scared, I'm here to protect you" Louis cooed to her

"can I just go to bed please" she whispered, he nods and turns off the creepy music

"yeah, yeah go ahead, just pretend I'm not here" he responds shifting to a comfortable position

-Normal POV, you-

"no I um, like alone, without you watching me" I say awkwardly, he blinks a couple time not moving


"GET OUT!" I howl at the boy, he gets up and walks towards the door

"sorry" I heard him mumble before shutting the door, I turn off my light beside my bed the I assumed he turned on and laid back down hugging my blanket for the love of death trying to get some sleep.

-3rd Person POV-

Sometimes there isn't a good answer. No matter how you try to rationalize the outcome, it doesn't make sense. And instead of an answer, you are simply left with a question. Why?

why was he like this why did he have to be this way but sometimes it's better to not know the answer, otherwise you might be unhappy about the outcome and result of the question asked, sometimes it's just better off left as it is, not said a word about the topic, it's better off just to be there, not doing a thing and just there for no one to know about, just kept a secret. but that's just a percentage of it, not always is it supposed to be kept secret from people, sometimes it is better to tell people, Louis knows that but he can't help to now be a dick, knowing that Draco knows it and the power he has over this situation, like I've said many times before, Louis has to do this, for himself and his connections with people, especially his closest friends: Y/n, Noah, Millie, Finn, Sadie and Allegra, then his friends: Harry, Ron and Hermione. he can already see Hermione trying to convince him that it's ok if or when the secret comes out and Y/n being crushed and not talking to him, she had already planned on not to but that kinda got wrecked when she woke up to him staring at her, Y/n has no idea what's gotten into him but she knows that she doesn't like it

Sometimes that's just the way it has to be. Sure, there were probably other options, but Louis didn't let them enter his mind. It was done and that was that. It was just the way it had to be. it had to be like this weather he wanted it to be or not.

'just ignore him, he's not worth it. Ignore him, he's not worth it' is what she is telling herself over and over again, and at the moment he really isn't worth it and her time.

but that wasn't the only thing on her mind especially at this exact moment, it was a stinging voice in her head that wouldn't leave, kinda like a bully, they won't stop no matter how hard you try, until they do stop, but it never fully ends. 'Don't be scared. The things out there that are unknown aren't scary in themselves. They are just unknown at the moment. Take the time to know them before you list them as scary. Then the world will be a much less scary place for you.' that is what was going through her head, the thing he had said to her when she said he was scaring her, what he said didn't feel nor sit right with her, and it's obvious when she thinks there is something up with him. something wrong.

a/n- I feel like this is so boring for you to read and I'm so sorry luvs. Oh and just a reminder that you are beautiful and to have a good day/night!.

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