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this (italic) means your thoughts just to let you know


I walk in and look around to see him asleep on his bed, his face pale like snow but his nose is pinky red, I stand there confused, I feel his forehead to see his temperature and it's hot but cold at the same time, he looked frail, boney and pallid, loads of tissues where on his bed side table, he looked horrible the poor thing, did I do this? I couldn't've could I?.

I lightly shook him awake but it didn't work as he was in a deep sleep, I sat on the edge of his bed and started shaking him more until I saw his eyes flicker and slowly open "are you ok?" I ask and he looks at me in the eye and sits up quickly with wide eyes "what- how did you- why are you, how did you get in there" he stuttered ignoring my question "is that your biggest concern right now?" I joked with a small chuckle, he didn't seem amused though "why are you here? to just torment me more" he questioned with a straight face "what do you mean?" i asked genuanly confused "stop acting innocent and do want you came here to do then leave me alone" he replied getting up and walked but then stumbled back and fell, i got up from where i was sitting and helped him up "yeah, well I came here to see if you're ok, I haven't seen you in a week i was getting worried and you also look really sick." i explained and he looked at me in the eyes "why do you care anyway, I'm just a mud-blood" he said in a mockery tone, that must be why he is upset, cause I called him a mud-blood, wait does that mean he is a mud-blood though "are you actually a mud-blood, not that it's a problem, I didn't mean it a an insult, well i came off that way but my mum's a mud-blood so sorry..." i started but then I ran out of words. the room was quiet not a noise to be heard, the silence was so loud, the tension in the air was like a knife to my skin "I'm sorry too, I was a dick to you, I just don't really like to share personal things with people" he confessed, that made me feel really bad, I was pushing him to tell me something "no you shouldn't apologise, i shouldn't have asked you why you were scared of me, i was being a bitch for pushing you to tell me, I'm really sorry" I said looking down playing with my fingers "no trust me it's fine-" he started but got cut of by him sneezing, I sat next to him and rubbed his back, I felt his forehead again and he was cold as ice, his skin was still really pale "when was the last time you ate?" I asked and he shrugged, I got up "here, sit up, I'll make you some tea and get you some food" I demand and he does as I say, I put the blanket over him and go over to the mini kitchen that everyone has in there room that gets refilled every week by magic of course, i go and make louis a cup of green tea and got him some food to eat.

After an hour his temperature has got better and he's stopped sneezing every 5 seconds, I then realised the time and got up to leave but louis stopped me, you know I like it better that I know his name instead of calling him Partridge all the time, I still find it quite funny that his last name is a bird but I've been mean to him enough so I'm gonna leave it, I got up and was going to start walking but he grabbed my wrist lightly I turned to face him to see him standing up "where are you going?" he asked with a slight frown "back to my common room, it's getting late and I don't wanna get caught" I said with an awkward smile, he nodded his head telling me he understood "well um....thanks a lot for helping me I really appreciate it" he stuttered and I smiled at him, that was cute- wait no it wasn't, it wasn't cute at all. "no need to thank me for it, it was the least I could for being a bitch" I replied, I looked down to see he was still holding my wrist but it kinda slid down so he's holding half my wrist and half by hand, I looked back up and he realised and quickly let go, I let out an amused sigh "but your welcome, even though you shouldn't be apologising" I say, getting on my tippy toes an kissed his cheek....well at least I think I did. I think we both got the idea to kiss each others cheek, I open my eyes and yes, I was right, I quickly let go and backed away stood there "sorry" we said in unison, we both nodded "I'm gonna go now, bye" I said and ran out of his room and back to the Slytherin common room.

a/n- hope you like it

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